Following Jesus is giving life to one's dream ... by Viviana Rispoli (hermit)

there are those who since childhood know what they want to do when they grow up and there are those who do not know what they want. that is, he does not know his dream his desires. There can be a big surprise for these who still don't know what they want to do when they grow up .... I was one of them, I lived a little bit a day taking what life gave me time by time, I couldn't get an idea of ​​what I really wanted, I had understood only one thing and that is that Love was the most important thing ... I had begun to understand this but thick fog over everything else. Towards the age of thirty they gave me a gospel, I began to read it and my adventure began, my search for the pearl of great value, in a word, my personal search for Happiness and slowly I was led by Him to understand what was the my dream, what was the plan that God even before I was born had established on me. Who would have said I say that God had such a beautiful project for me, so full of life, so combative, so suitable for my personality. . Jesus gave me a perfect and unimaginable dream that if I hadn't started following him, I would NEVER understand NEVER, NEVER, NEVER HORROREEEE
Jesus to the Samaritan woman said "if you knew the gift of God". that is, if you knew the gift that I want to give you, you would immediately ask me, you would immediately start looking for me like a mad woman ... You would immediately begin to ask me persistently .. You who read and who have not yet understood your dream, or you who thought to have understood it and that instead has faded in your hands, look for it because it exists, look for it because living to realize that dream that only in him you will discover will give your life an infinite sense will make your life unique, not exchangeable with any other. Each of us not only has a dream to discover but it is itself a dream of your heart. Take a gospel, armed with attention, obedience to His Word, be all eyes, be all ears to read the signs that our God will give you on the way. Your dream awaits only all your attention and all your trust in him ...