Do you hear a siren? This is the prayer that every Catholic should say

“When you hear an ambulance say a prayer,” the cardinal advised Timothy Dolan, archbishop of New York, in a video on Twitter.

"If you hear a siren, coming from a fire truck, an ambulance or a police car, say a short prayer, because someone, somewhere, is in trouble."

“If you hear an ambulance, pray for the sick. If you hear a police car, pray because there has most likely been a violent act. When you hear the fire truck, pray that someone's house is probably on fire. These things motivate us to say a prayer of love and charity towards others ”.

The cardinal added that we must also pray when the church bells ring, especially when they announce the death of someone. And he took the opportunity to recall an anecdote from when he went to school and heard the bells.

“We were in class and we heard those bells. Then the teachers said: 'Children, let us stand up and recite together: Eternal rest give them, O Lord, and let eternal light shine on them. May they rest in peace '”.

“The same prayer can be said when we see a funeral procession pass by or we pass near a cemetery. We need all the help we can get in our spiritual life. (…) Saint Paul said that the righteous pray seven times a day ”, he added.