In Sicily the statue of the Madonna weeps blood


"I am happy that there are people here today too, I hope that Our Lady will listen to their prayers, there is a need for the conversion of souls". Mrs Pina Micali speaks in her home in the hamlet of Giampilieri Marina in Messina in front of the statue of Our Lady of Sorrows who for more than a week would have begun to shed "blood tears", attracting dozens of faithful also from Puglia and northern Italy. According to the pilgrims, an oil-like liquid would drop from the statue's tunic.

About thirty people are gathered in prayer in front of the statue: there are those who ask for a grace, who to speak with Mrs. Pina. The latter, however, is ill and cannot stand. He shows up only for a brief greeting and asks everyone to pray by promising that if they come back he will give them cotton with the oil that comes down from the tunic of the statue of the Madonna. Everyone says they believe the miracle, even if the Curia has expressed caution on the matter.

The statue was donated by a priest from Agrigento, around there are other icons of the Madonna with a red striped face. At the top, the face of Christ who was at the bedside of Signora Pina, the first object of the house from which 25 years ago, in 1989, "blood" would have spilled. In 1992 then it touched one of the statues of the Madonna and then all the others donated to Mrs. Pina. To welcome the faithful, Francesca Gorpia one of the members of the Emmanuele Onlus association.

"Every Tuesday and Friday and the first Saturday of each month we recite the rosary and Mrs. Pina sees the Madonna - she says - other times she has also seen Jesus. The Mother of God explains that too many souls today are choosing evil and that one must pray for them. Our Lady also said that she chose Giampilieri for these events because a conversion of souls will start from here ”. And to the legitimate doubts about the story, the volunteer replies: "In the past the tears have been analyzed by doctors and there has been talk of unexplained events and the presence of human blood".