Lord, help us when things are not going well

Sir, there are days

in which things are not going well,

we are unhappy with each other,

it's hard to break the silence,

we carry division and bitterness in our hearts.

Help us understand our mistakes

and give us courage and humility

to recognize them and let us correct them,

to ask and give forgiveness.

Help us understand

the suffering and the expectation that is in the heart of the other,

give us the strength of the first step

which opens the way to understanding and love.

Help us never to lose the dialogue

in our daily life,

to always meet us in sincerity and truth.

Help us because even in fatigue

of difficulties and conflicts

we can find an opportunity to grow,

to learn to forgive,

to know us better, to discover that love

it is stronger than our weakness.

Help us understand

and to welcome us into our diversity,

because, instead of a reason for division,

they become precious occasions

of unity and wealth for us and for others.
