Lord, send your Spirit into my life and set me on fire with his gifts

And suddenly there came a noise from the sky like a strong wind blowing, and filled the whole house where they were. Then tongues of fire appeared to them, which separated and landed on each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit allowed them to proclaim. Acts 2: 2–4

Do you think there was really a "noise like a strong wind blowing" in this first outpouring of the Holy Spirit? And do you think there were really "tongues like fire" that came and were based on everyone? Well, most likely there was! Why else would it have been recorded like this in the scriptures?

These physical manifestations of the coming of the Holy Ghost were made present for numerous reasons. One reason was that these first recipients of the full outpouring of the Holy Spirit would concretely understand that something extraordinary was happening. Seeing and listening to these physical manifestations of the Holy Ghost, they were more properly willing to understand that God was doing something fantastic. And then, seeing and listening to these manifestations, they were touched by the Holy Spirit, consumed, filled and set on fire. Suddenly they discovered within themselves the promise made by Jesus and finally began to understand. Pentecost changed their life!

We have most likely not seen and listened to these physical manifestations of the outpouring of the Holy Ghost, but we should rely on the testimony of those in the scriptures to allow us to arrive at a deep and transforming faith that the Holy Ghost is real and wants to enter into. our life in the same way. God wants to set our hearts on fire with his love, his strength and his grace in order to effectively live lives that produce changes in the world. Pentecost not only concerns the fact that we become saints, but also that we are given everything we need to go ahead and bring the holiness of God to everyone we meet. Pentecost allows us to be powerful tools of God's transforming grace. And there is no doubt that the world around us needs this grace.

As we celebrate Pentecost, it would be helpful to ponder the primary effects of the Holy Spirit in a prayerful way. Following are the seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. These gifts are the main effects of Pentecost for each of us. Use them as an examination of your life and let God show you where you need to grow deeper in the power of the Holy Ghost.

Lord, send your Spirit into my life and set me on fire with the Gifts of your Spirit. Holy Spirit, I invite you to take possession of my soul. Come Holy Spirit, come and transform my life. Holy Spirit, I trust you.