Sister Luigina Traverso paralyzed, heals after a trip to Lourdes

This is the story of Sister Luigina Traverso and her incredible recovery after a trip to Lourdes. Sr. Luigina was born in 1984 when she was young she became part of the daughters of Mary Help of Christians and she traveled visiting different parishes.


In 1965 the doctors diagnosed her with a very serious illness which in a short time led her to be completely paralysed. Despite her intervention there lumbosciatica paralyzed in meningocele he left her no way out and led her to a life in a bed. The nun passed all the time praying and hoping her prayers would be answered.

One day she was brought in pilgrimage to Lourdes, on a stretcher together with diocese of Tortona. That trip changed her life forever.

Based on the story reported by Messenger the nun, in front of the cave, felt pervaded by a heat and a very strong shock. Frightened, she squeezed the Rosary which he carried in his hands.

Suddenly the foot paralyzed began to move and immediately after also the leg. The dazed nun did not understand what was happening.


The return from Lourdes

Once she returned from the pilgrimage to Lourdes, she even managed to sit on the bed. She so encouraged her she put on her stockings and started walking. Just one day ago she couldn't even move a limb and now she could even walk. What happened to the nun went down in history as the 68th miracle of Lourdes.

Now she is committed to tell his story to as many people as possible and to motivate them to never lose hope. To pray he saved her life and wants to reciprocate what she has been granted by praying for what is happening in Ukraine and hoping that this too will turn into yet another miracle.

Sister Luigina Traverso's story is not only a tale of a miraculous healing, but also represents the power of faith and of divine love.