Pulsating sun in the sky of Medjugorje: we cry out to the miracle

If extreme caution is required when speaking of the phenomenon of the apparitions of Medjugorje, on which the Church has not yet made an official pronouncement (despite the work of the commission presided by cardinal Ruini being concluded), even more caution is needed on the alleged secondary prodigies that would occur in that small village in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

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We speak, to be precise, of the effect of the "pulsating sun" or "miracle of the Sun", during which the sun would suddenly change its size, dilating and contracting, approaching and moving away. A similar event also happened in Fatima and was witnessed even by the secularist and anti-clerical press (such as the newspaper O Seculo), present on the spot since the day before the seer Lucia had heralded a divine sign for the following day.

Several rationalists and critics of Medjugorje, such as the unreliable Marco Corvaglia, quickly dismissed the phenomenon by claiming that it was a fraud obtained by the repeated opening and closing of the camera shutter, so much so that Corvaglia himself was vaguely able to reproduce it. A confirmation of this would emerge from the analysis of some videos that the critic has found on the web, in which it would be clear that only the one who is watching it is observing the phenomenon, not the people next to it. This is the queen test also used by all those who intended to deny this phenomenon.

If the rationalists are undoubtedly right when they attribute to the video camera the appearance of a black spot in the center of the sun, the same cannot be said with respect to the pulsation. In fact, Youtube is full of amateur films (not only Italian), shot in Medjugorje, where in addition to the pulsations of the sun, people around them are also shot, who in turn admire the phenomenon even with naked eyes, commenting ecstatic (here one of the many examples). Not only that, you can also find testimonials, with name and surname, of people, initially skeptical, who testify to what they witnessed.

The most authoritative testimony, however, comes from the television program "La Storia Siamo Noi": in an episode aired on Rai3 in February 2011 (more below the video), the journalist Elisabetta Castana, sent to Medjugorje, witnessed the "miracle of the sun" ”In first person during the apparition to the visionary Mirjana. The phenomenon was not captured by her camera but, filming the people around her, she testified: «Something distracting unexpectedly happens, the sun begins to pulse, expands and contracts, an incredible experience. My camera cannot capture what I see, but it is not my illusion, we all observe it ». The phenomenon occurs occasionally and was not repeated upon the arrival of a physicist from the National Research Council, Valerio Rossi Albertini, called by the journalist, who could only exclude - in a different time context than the phenomenon - the presence of foreign bodies within the solar image.

The "dance" of the sun, therefore, is certainly not caused by video cameras, amateur and otherwise. So is this a collective hallucination? This is a frequently advanced hypothesis even though the scientific literature has ascertained the occurrence of very few cases, linking them above all to hysteria, therefore to a clear psychopathological disorder that afflicts the various people victims of hallucination, which is impossible to support for the myriads of people. who witnessed the events that took place in Medjugorje. Not to mention that the psychotherapist Fausta Marsicano, a professor at the European University of Rome, also witnessed the phenomenon, who said (more below the video): «I saw this pulsating, mobile circle in the sun. As a psychotherapist, I wondered if it could be an experience of emotional contagion or collective suggestion, but I must say that the perception was synchronic, there was no initial perception by someone to whom others then went into somehow adequate, what I saw with my own eyes is undeniable ».

What can be concluded? Not much, certainly not a proof that the "dance" of the sun is a divine manifestation and does not prove the truthfulness of what happens in Medjugorje. Equally certainly, however, it can be concluded that Marco Corvaglia is without a mask: his objections, even as regards the pulsation of the sun, are unsustainable and easily denied, as are those of the various critics of Medjugorje. The pulsating sun could be a natural phenomenon, but it should be explained why it happens in Medjugorje, and not in neighboring countries, and why on the occasion of certain events. Currently there is no adequate scientific explanation that sheds light on the phenomenon, taking into account all the factors through which it occurs.

Source www.uccronline.it