"I healed my legs I no longer use crutches", a miracle in Medjugorje

Q. Who are you and where do you come from?
R. My name is Nancy Lauer, I am American and I come from America. I am 55 years old, I am a mother of five children and so far my life has been one suffering. I have been going to hospitals since 1973 and have undergone numerous and heavy operations: one in the neck, one in the spine, two in the hips. I was constantly suffering from pains all over my body, and among other misfortunes my left leg was shorter than the right ... In the last two years a swelling had also appeared around the left kidney which caused me severe pain. I had a difficult childhood: still a child they raped me leaving an incurable wound in my soul and this at some point would have led to the collapse of my marriage. Our children suffered out of all this. Furthermore, I must confess something I am ashamed of: for heavy family problems which I could not find a way out of, I gave myself, for some time, to alcohol ... However, lately I managed to overcome at least this handicap.

Q. How did you decide to come to Medjugorje in a situation like this?
A. An American community was preparing for a pilgrimage and I was eager to participate, but my family members opposed and dissuaded me with valid arguments. So I did not msistito. But at the last moment a pilgrim withdrew and I, with the painful consent of my family, took his place. Something attracted me irresistibly here, and now, after nine years, I walk without crutches. I healed.

Q. How did healing happen?
R. ON 14.9.92 a little before the Rosary began I went up, together with others from my group, to the church choir… We prayed. In the end when the visionary Ivan knelt and began to pray I felt pain very strong throughout the body and with difficulty I managed to refrain from shouting. In any case, I went out of my way to make myself aware that Our Lady was there and I didn't even notice that the apparition had ended and Ivan had got up. In the end they told us to get out of the choir I wanted to take the crutches but suddenly I felt a new force in my legs. I grabbed the crutches, but got up with incredible ease. When I started walking I realized that I could go on without support and without any help. I went to the house where I lived, I went up and down from my room without any effort. To tell the truth, I started jumping and dancing ... It's incredible, it's a new life! I forgot to say that at the moment of recovery I also stopped limping with that shorter leg .., I didn't believe myself and I asked a friend of mine to watch me while I was walking, and she confirmed that I didn't limp anymore. Finally, that swelling around the left kidney also disappeared.

D. In that moment how did you pray?
R. I prayed thus: “Madonna I know you love me and I love you too. You help me to do the will of God. I can cope with my ailment, but You help me to always follow the will of God. "So, when I still did not know I was healed and the pains continued, I found myself in a particular condition that I would describe as a state of perfect love for God and the Virgin. ..and I was willing to endure any pain while maintaining this state.

Q. How do you see your future now?
R. First of all I will dedicate myself to prayer and then I think that my first task is to testify the merciful love of God to all. What happened to me is an incredible and wonderful thing. I am convinced that this miracle will also help my family to convert, to return to prayer and to live in peace. The Croatian mass has particularly struck me these days. I have never seen so many people of different social and age conditions pray and sing together with such intensity. I am convinced that the people you belong to have a great future. I will pray for you, it is what I can do in these difficult days and I will do it willingly and heartily. (...)