Holy Spirit, there are 5 things you (maybe) don't know, here they are

La Pentecost is the day on which Christians celebrate, after Jesus' Ascension into heaven, the coming of the Holy Spirit on the Virgin Mary and the Apostles.

And then the Apostles they went out into the streets of Jerusalem and began to preach the gospel, and "then those who accepted his word were baptized and about three thousand joined them that day." (Acts 2, 41).

1 - The Holy Spirit is a person

The Holy Spirit is not a thing but a Who. He is the third person of the Holy Trinity. Although he may seem more mysterious than the Father and the Son, he is a person like Them.

2 - He is completely God

The fact that the Holy Spirit is the "third" person of the Trinity does not mean that he is inferior to the Father and the Son. The three persons, including the Holy Spirit, are fully God and "have coeternal divinity, glory and majesty," as the Athanasian Creed says.

3 - It has always existed, even in Old Testament times

Although we have learned most things about God the Holy Spirit (as well as God the Son) in the New Testament, the Holy Spirit has always existed. God exists eternally in three Persons. So when we read about God in the Old Testament, we remember that it is about the Trinity, including the Holy Spirit.

4 - In Baptism and Confirmation the Holy Spirit is received

The Holy Spirit is present in the world in mysterious ways that we don't always understand. However, a person receives the Holy Spirit in a special way for the first time at baptism and is strengthened in his gifts at Confirmation.

5 - Christians are temples of the Holy Spirit

Christians have the Holy Spirit who dwells in them in a special way, and therefore there are grave moral consequences, as Saint Paul explains:

“Flee from fornication. Every other sin that man commits is outside his body, but whoever practices fornication sins against his own body. Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit, who dwells in you, which you have received from God and that, precisely for this reason, you no longer belong to yourself? Because you have been bought with a great price. So glorify God in your body ”.

Source: Church Pop.