Spirituality: what is an aura and how to learn to see it

To learn how to see auras, you must first know the details of what auras are and how they affect you and your surroundings. You know that you are surrounded by energy fields that can be influenced by you alone or by the people around you. The body is responsible for this energy field, but there are also other factors that influence it. Learn all about auras and how to see auras ...

What is an aura?
A non-physical energy field around you is called Aura. It is visible through clairvoyance and is produced by the energy of the body.

The body's energy is also called the "energosome". This energy is what creates the Aura. The Aura begins where the energy ends. Aura is an energy field around your body that can vary from person to person and from different times of the day, to completely different days.

The Aura is very useful but it also has a downside. When you converse with a person, the aura helps to connect with that person in a better and effective way. However, when you're stuck in a problem, your aura fills up with negative energy which can lead your thoughts to the negative side of things, avoiding the positive side, hence the importance of how to see the auras.

How to see auras
In addition to the relevance of knowing the colors of the Aura, there is also the fact that the Aura exists in your environment and surrounds you, and the energy that you feel within you derives from it. There are ways to learn to see auras ... the most important have been described here:

Magic eye!
Have you ever heard of puzzles with magic eyes? The puzzle is made up of images that help you get to know the aura by training your brain to look for things around you that don't exist! It may seem strange to read it, but it happens, and you can find out how it works only when you start solving that puzzle.

Once you start taking control of it, the brain remembers how to do it and helps you see your aura; that doesn't exist physically, but you know it's around you.

Visualize the energy field around your hands
To learn how to see auras, you need to find a white or cream background for yourself. A white painted wall would be perfect.

You have to sit in front and press your fingers together; just like in a way you pray. You have to focus on your hands and try to look at them.

As you continue to fix your hands, without your conscious awareness, you will begin to take your hands away. The higher the level of your concentration, the faster it will happen.

If you've tried the magic eye puzzle, you have to look through the space in your hands exactly as you saw the pictures. As you continue to look into the space where your fingers were previously positioned, you will begin to see a light through that void.

That color that shines in your hands, that surrounds your hands, is your aura!

Practice in the mirror
You need a mirror overlooking a light colored wall. You can stand or sit in front of the mirror and look at yourself. You should focus on the right or left side of the shoulder; especially just above the shoulder. The shoulder space needs your focus.

As you look into space, you need to calm your mind and let your brain work to see the aura, so how seeing the auras will help you.

At first, you may only see a faded white light that completely surrounds you as if you were submerged. But as you continue to focus fully on the gaze, that faded white light will start to become prominent.

As it becomes prominent, it will become larger and may even change color! You are seeing your aura! But as soon as the thought of seeing the aura comes to mind, you will lose focus and may no longer see the aura. However, you can regain your attention and display it again!

Plants and crystals
If you've been practicing but can't see your aura and don't know how to see an aura, you can try to keep plants or crystals in the place where your practice sees your aura. Practicing in front of a white background is what works best.

You have to focus on the plant or the crystal with nothing else in mind. As you focus on it, a white light will begin to emerge around the plant or crystal. Stay focused and when you think the aura has reached its peak, think about how strong it is. If it is faded, you need to water or recharge the plant or crystal. However, if the aura was very prominent and clear, it means that the plat or crystal has the shape and shape in which it is best!

How to see auras: increase your vibration
The best and far simpler way on how to see auras is to increase your body's vibrational frequencies. For developing psychic abilities, it is known to work very effectively and efficiently. The way to increase your vibrational frequencies is to ask your angels for help by praying for them. Since angels are always available to help, guide and assist you, you will be blessed with a higher vibration that will help you learn to see your aura.