Spirituality: the angelic meaning of rose quartz crystals

When we look at the crystals, it can be difficult to keep track of all the different types. There is a huge number of crystals and gems, but each of them has a range of varieties and many of them are available in different colors and have different properties. We will only focus on one of these variations as we explore the angel aura quartz, which is only a specific type of aura quartz, which in turn is only one type of quartz. So, let's go straight in and look at the meaning of the angel aura quartz.

Angel Aura Quartz Meaning
Whenever we look at a crystal, we must always consider the name. Many crystals have been used since ancient times and the names to which they were given reflect a connection with a divinity, belief or spiritual practice. In other cases, as in the case of the meaning of the angel aura quartz, we find that the name is simply a reflection of the appearance of the stone.

When you look at an angelic aura crystal, it is difficult not to feel a connection with the spirit world. The mystical aspect almost looks like a miniature door to another non-material realm. Not surprisingly, this strain naturally attracts so many people. It is a constant reminder of our place in the world, as well as of the other worlds that we will visit one day.

Depending on the angle of the light, the angel's aura crystal is said to reflect the light in such a way that it resembles an angel's wings. So where does the "angel" aspect of the name come from.

The 'aura' part is something that will be easier to explain when looking at properties, but the 'quartz' part is simpler. Quartz is a version of the Germanic word "quarz", which in turn derives from the Polish word "kwardy", which means "difficult".

The ancient Greeks referred to this differently. In their language, the stone was called "krustallos". The word translates roughly into the meaning of "frozen cold" because of the belief that the crystal was forged inside a very cold ice or that it was actually the ice itself.

Properties of Angel Aura quartz
When we start looking at the properties of angel aura quartz, we can see that there are two main uses for this type of crystal:

Purify your Aura;
Choosing the correct path to follow.
Now you can see where the 'aura' part of the crystal name comes from.

You are probably wondering how the angel aura crystal works in relation to cleaning your aura. We will shortly see a specific technique you can use, but let's discuss why crystal has this effect. It derives largely from the calming effects it has on our spirit and mind.

When we wear crystal, hold it or meditate with it, we slip into a place of peace, tranquility and serenity. Your spirit is able to naturally rise to a higher vibrational space, which in turn helps to release negative energy.

As worries, stress and fears fade away, your thoughts can only go in a positive direction. Positive thoughts lead to positive moods and behaviors, which in turn create positive energy. This means that any damage suffered by the aura can be repaired.

The other property of this angel aura quartz is related to your spiritual journey. On any given day, we can make an impossible number of decisions that take us on a different path. Sometimes the path varies only slightly, sometimes it is in a completely different direction. An angel aura crystal can help you stay true to your true path, but how?

Following your heart
When it comes to following your spiritual path, there is a person you can always count on yourself. Your angels are always there, of course, but in human terms, there is really no better judge than your true course than you are.

The problem we often have is that we can trust ourselves. So many things can influence any decision. It would be impossible to list them all, but just think about how many different decisions you might have made if your mood had been different or if someone else had presented you with the choice or if the weather had been better the day you were asked.

When it comes to making a choice, you have to listen to your intuition. Humans have an instinct, just like other animals, but ours is in contact with the spiritual realm in a way that no one really understands. Learning to focus on the pure message your gut is sending you is important to follow your true path to reach your destiny.

Simply wearing an angel aura crystal may be enough to give you some self-confidence, but if you want a little more, you can meditate with the crystal nearby. Unlike the usual meditations, let your mind wander a little. If he does it somewhere apparently irrelevant, bring it back and try again. Give every thought a chance and you may be surprised where it takes you.

Cleaning and healing of your aura
We will end by taking a look at the simplest form of aura healing meditation. There are two key aspects of the process. First, you want to have an angel aura crystal nearby. It can be in your hand, on the floor or on your person in the form of jewelry. The second step is visualization.

What is an aura? It is a spiritual shield that surrounds all living things and although it is usually invisible, we can learn to see it. Close your eyes and imagine that you are inside a sphere of energy. Don't see the aura yet, feel it. Feel that negative energy from outside is slowly diverted from you. Now start viewing this shield floating in the vision.

Now see this shield get stronger. As it becomes brighter, it should appear firmer until it reaches a stage where you are unable to see it. Channel the energy of the crystal and feel that it is absorbed by the aura.