Getting married in church? Must. Here because

Getting married in church is a choice of faith and a responsibility towards the mission proper to Christian marriage.

The importance of this choice does not concern only those who are close to the wedding. Christian marriage has the mission of witnessing God's love in conjugal and family love and therefore it is the whole Church that lives in every Christian marriage a new possibility of being born, of living and of revealing itself through the life of new families.

Every Christian has the right to receive the revelation of God's love from the communities that God has consecrated for this purpose, and among these the family has an important place.

Every man, believer or not, needs to be reached by the love of God, and the family, in its love life, constitutes one of the most capable messages to reveal the different manifestations of God's love in human life . This is why it is urgent that the family rediscover its mission of evangelization: that of announcing God's love to the world.

The problems that the family has to solve are many, but this mission of evangelization is not a problem to be put in the last place, after having solved all the others. Nor is it a question of luxury or religious refinement that only the best or the holiest must consider.

The words of the Lord: From this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another (Jn 13,35:XNUMX) they give evangelization a breadth that reaches and involves marriage at all times and makes it a message that reveals God and enriches man. Everything becomes an announcement of God's love: the engagement, the celebration of marriage, conjugal intimacy, the birth of children, family prayer: every moment in which parents and children open themselves to God.

The family places man in the condition willed by God to welcome the good news of love (Gen 2,18-25). The language of the family is the most natural and effective form of presenting the message of love of God; and it is above all the family that must prepare, accompany and develop the encounter of the love of God with the love of man which takes place in faith, in the sacraments and in the coherent Christian life.

The love of boyfriends evangelizes the world

The love of boyfriends may seem like a closed love, temporary and destined to survive as a nostalgic memory. In reality, the true engagement is not isolation, but recollection to know oneself and the other and to find great trust in oneself, in the other and in life. Engagement is a true announcement of God's love because the Bible tells us that God also loves like this. Several times in the Bible the love of God is translated in terms of engagement with man.

Engagement is the moment of (perhaps) most contemplative, most enthusiastic and most manifested love outside: it is the moment that puts engaged couples before the mysterious dimension of human love in which it is possible to reach, or at least glimpse, the depth of the source of divine love.

From the contemplative love of engaged couples, from the love that sees in depth the beautiful and the good that God has sown in everyone, we must all learn the path of true love; we do not have to love others just because God orders it and neither do we have to love them because they are our brothers: there is too much legalism in these reasons: we must love them because we have discovered in them the beauty and the good even under the encrustations, the beauty and the goodness even under appearances. God transforms every step of human love into divine love.

The love of engaged couples, in its ability to translate into intense and frequent dialogue, full of joy and hope, is a way of loving that must also inspire the love of married people, priests and religious, because the various forms of Christian love are called back, because the love of God is revealed, as in many facets, in the many ways of loving men.

The Christian community must therefore absorb and welcome this evangelizing message of engagement; it can enrich the Christian community with a particular tone of love and give evangelization a particular and necessary word.

There must be a rich exchange of vitality and evangelization between engaged couples and the Christian community. The parish must not be reduced to an office for documents or an obligatory passage point for the celebration of marriage. Engaged couples must find in their Christian community the gospel message of Christ which illuminates the present moment of their love.

The Christian community must offer many couples, uncertain in their faith, an opportunity for rediscovery and religious dialogue. It must also accompany and help the engaged couple to understand that the engagement is a search for the plan of God for the two engaged couples and for the family that will be born from them.

Boyfriends must not only take from the Christian community, but also give. Engagement is a vocation of love and a time of grace in which the gift of God that unites is present. The Christian community has a profound need for the lively presence of engaged couples because their love is not only a human message, but also a voice of God.

Engaged couples can offer a valuable contribution to the entire Christian community with their active and responsible presence. Without them, the Christian community lacks an important voice in the chorus of human and divine love.