Statue of the Virgin begins to cry, "do not be afraid"

In 2014, in Israel, a mysterious event happened in the home of the Khoury Orthodox Christian family.

In fact, according to this family, one statue of the Virgin Maria in their possession, for no apparent reason, began to cry in an inexplicable way.

Amira Khoury she is the mother of this family, the first to discover the tears of this Virgin bought the year before and who, until then, had never given any particular sign.

One day, getting a little closer to the statue, Amira was amazed to discover that her face was covered with a strange viscous material very similar to oil.

“My wife approached the statue and saw that it was as if it was covered in oil,” he told the press Osama Khoury, the head of the family.

Many have noticed the eyes of the plaster statue of the Virgin surrounded by a material close to oil, giving her the feeling of often crying hot tears.

Frightened at the start of her mysterious discovery, Amira later stated that the statue would turn to her, recommending that "do not be afraid".

Upon hearing that the Virgin had suddenly started crying, many people rushed to the Khoury family, of Christian, Jewish or Muslim faith.

According to reporters who went there, although her eyes are regularly wiped, the Virgin of Khoury continues to shed tears, the origin of which remains unexplained to this day.

ALSO READ: The Virgin Mary appeared in a cave and looked at the children.