Sister Erminia Brunetti devoted herself very often to pray for the souls of purgatory, who thus obtained relief and at the same time reciprocated her, helping her to be supportive in the intercessions, in favor of the people who addressed her.

Sister Erminia, as the very popular exorcist Father Gabriele Amorth said, was also capable of obtaining the grace of deliverance from evil spirits, through his powerful prayer to God.

One day, having the intention of praying for the unemployed brother-in-law, he decided to start a Novena for the soul of the most abandoned purgatory; he asked for rest and peace.

At that time he was out of town with a sister, for the mission to the families.

One of those mornings, while she was preparing to pray the Novena, she realized that she did not remember which day she should recite and asked precisely that soul to come to her rescue.

She and her sister heard four knocks on the door, Sister Erminia then wanted to ask for confirmation of that sign and that was how the person they were praying for appeared.

The sisters were very frightened, while that apparition explained that she had died very young, from a simple pneumonia, and that no one had ever prayed for her, until that moment.

The nuns tried to get out of the house, but the soul prevented him, continuing to tell that his mother was not a believer and that only Sister Erminia, in all those years, had thought of providing her with some relief. Now she didn't want to leave, for fear that they would forget her again. But, after and reassurances from Sister Erminia, everything went back into place; she interpreted that event as God's confirmation that prayer and sacrifices, offered for the souls in purgatory, have great relevance.

Novena for the holy souls of purgatory:

O Jesus the Redeemer, for the sacrifice you made of yourself on the cross and that you renew daily on our altars, for all the Holy Masses that have been celebrated and that will be celebrated all over the world, grant our prayers in this novena, giving eternal rest to the souls of our dead, making a ray of your divine beauty shine upon them! Eternal rest.

O Jesus the Redeemer, by the great merits of the Apostles, martyrs, confessors, virgins and all the Saints of Paradise, free the souls of our dead who groan in Purgatory from their pains, as you released the Magdalene and the repentant thief. Forgive their fouls and open to them the doors of your heavenly Palace they so desire. Eternal rest.
3. O Jesus the Redeemer, for the great merits of St. Joseph and for those of Mary, Mother of the suffering and afflicted, let your infinite mercy descend on the poor abandoned souls of Purgatory. They are also the price of your Blood and the work of your hands. Give them complete forgiveness and lead them to the amenities of your glory that they have been longing for. Eternal rest.
4. O Jesus the Redeemer, for the multiple pains of your agony, passion and death, have mercy on all our poor dead who cry and moan in Purgatory. Apply to them the fruit of so many of your pains and lead them to the possession of that glory that you have prepared for them in Heaven. Eternal rest.