Plea to today's saint: San Biagio, ask for a grace

Not much is known about the life of Saint Blaise. He was physician and bishop of Sebaste, in today's Anatolia, between the third and fourth centuries. It was the period in which the Roman Empire recognized freedom of worship for Christians, but Licinius, who ruled the East, proceeded to persecution. It seems that Bishop Biagio hid himself in a cave in the mountains, fed by the animals that visited him. Discovered he was tried, his flesh was ripped off and then he was sentenced to be beheaded. Many were the prodigies he performed even during his imprisonment: he miraculously saved a child who was dying from a bone stuck in his throat. For this reason, he is considered the protector of "gluttony". Furthermore, Saint Blaise is one of the auxiliary saints, that is, a saint invoked for the healing of particular evils. And it is tradition, during the celebration of the Mass for his memory, by the priest to give a special blessing to the "throats" of the faithful, with two blessed candles placed on the cross.


Glorious martyr, St. Biagio, with sincere joy we thank you for the many consolations you have given us. With the example of your Christian life you have witnessed the faithful and total love for Jesus, savior of the world. We ask you to be merciful, obtaining from God the grace of faithfulness to our baptism. Today's world corrupts us with the pagan attractions of money, power, selfishness: help us become witnesses of the evangelical beatitudes, for the achievement of eternal happiness and salvation. Protect us from diseases of the throat, for which your intercession is admirable: make our words and our works courageous, as prophets and witnesses of the Word of the Gospel. Obtain the grace from God to enjoy eternal bliss in heaven with you.