Begging Our Lady for good advice for help

O lofty Queen of the Universe and loving Mother of the Good Council, welcome with benevolence your children who, in this solemn hour, gather around your wonderful Image in fervent prayer.
We would like to open our heart to your immaculate Mother's heart, to tell you our thoughts, our desires, our anxieties, our fears and our hopes.

You who are full of the Holy Spirit and know us intimately, teach us to pray, to ask God what our hearts dare not hope and cannot ask.

We are driven by the thought that among the many places where you wanted to give a tangible sign of your industrious presence in the midst of the people of God, you also chose Genazzano, to be invoked as Mother of the Good Council, so that our journey may be safe and the our work.

O mother, make us worthy of so much privilege! Let us learn to see the model of the disciples in you

of the Lord Jesus: docile to your counsels, obedient to your words that exhort us to do what your Son has taught us to do, our Mother of Good Counsel.

(Three Hail Marys, Glory ... The invocation sung: "Sweet Mother of the Good Council, bless us with your Son").

O Mother, you know that our thoughts are unstable and our steps insecure.

You know the pitfalls, the suggestions, the enticements that contrast, today, our journey of faith.

You, full of grace, have always been associated by the Father with the mystery of Christ, and in the whole extension of your earthly itinerary, you have become a participant in it, advancing in the pilgrimage of faith.

Now guide our journey, because together with you, in the power of the Holy Spirit, we too know how to make the mystery of Christ present to men of today.

Open, O Mother, our heart to the bliss of listening to the Word of God,

and, in the power of the Spirit, let us also become a holy place where, today, the Word of salvation is fulfilled, which found in you full fulfillment, O our Mother of the Good Council.

(Three Hail Marys, Glory ... The invocation sung: "Sweet Mother of the Good Council, bless us with your Son").

Powerful virgin against evil, woman of pain, who knows human suffering well,

and in the freedom of love you have been associated with the passion of your Son, and by dying Jesus we have been entrusted to you as children: look, now, with love on the poor, the unhappy, the sick, the dying. Shake the hearts of those who remain numb, indifferent to human pain.

Strengthen in men of good will that active love that makes itself responsible for every groan that invokes justice, love, peace and salvation. Make, oh Mother, that while we make ourselves laborious architects of the earthly and temporal city, we never forget to be diligent pilgrims towards that heavenly and eternal homeland, where you shine as our refuge, our hope, or sweetest Mother, Mary of the Good Council.

(Three Hail Marys, Glory ... The invocation sung: "Sweet Mother of the Good Council, bless us with your Son").

Before we close this meeting of filial trust and prayer, we wish the comfort of your blessing, as a sure sign of the blessing of your divine Son.

May this blessing be fruitful of temporal and eternal goods.

Looking at your exemplary, you advise us to make our life an offer pleasing to the Father, in order to sing the hymn of thanksgiving and praise, to the God of life,

with the same accents, gushed out from your humble and filial heart: "My soul magnifies the Lord, and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior".

Mother of the Church, bless the Supreme Pontiff ... to be a sure guide of the wayfaring people of God, and your church to be one heart, one soul.

Bless the rulers of our country and all those who govern the fate of peoples, so that they may collaborate in building a world of justice, truth, love and peace. Bless our bishop and all the pastors of the church, so that the Christian community is always guided by wise and generous men. Bless the authorities and the people of Genazzano, so that they may remember your predilection and remain faithful to the faith and hopes of their fathers.

Bless the Augustinian religious custodians of this sanctuary, the members of the Pious Union, living and dead, and all those who zealously spread your worship.

We ask you a special blessing, oh Mother, on today's Ecumenical Movement. May the power of the Most High which one day overshadowed you in Nazareth, descend, for your blessing, into the hearts of all Christians, and make the advent of the hour when the disciples of Christ will relive full communion in faith.

Bless again, O Mother, our relatives, the benefactors of this sanctuary, friends and enemies.

May your blessing, which makes us worthy to call us and truly be your children, descend copiously on all, and one day be able to sing with the whole heavenly church: the Queen of heaven and earth, our dear Mother Maria del Buon, be praised and thanked Advice.

(Three Hail Marys, Glory ... The invocation sung: "Mother sweetness of the Good Council, deh! Bless us with your Son").