Begging Our Lady for causes impossible to recite in every urgent need

(to be recited every June 2 feast of Our Lady of impossible causes and in every urgent need).

Mary of impossible causes are here at your feet to implore you for mercy and mercy for this impossible cause of my life (to name the cause). You are such a loving mother please stretch out your powerful hand and intervene. I do not deserve your intervention for my numerous sins but you who are a merciful mother have mercy on me, forgive me, intervene and do everything for me my much loved mother.

Often I live far from you and do not take your graces into account but you help me, stay close to me, intervene, help me and pray for your son Jesus for me so that I may be your favorite son. Now I ask you to intervene in my life for this impossible cause and as a son loved by you I promise you fidelity and love to the commandments. Holy Mother I beg you with all my heart have mercy on me, intervene and if by chance you cannot resolve this cause by the will of God give me the gift of consolation so that I can conform to the will of Heavenly Father.

Mother you who can do everything, you who are almighty by grace in Heaven and on Earth please intervene and act now. Let me nourish hope in you holy mother, let me have love for the sacraments, let me love every brother and your son. Remove from me the darkness of error, the evil one, mortal sin and hell but that I can only feed on the grace of God that comes from you. Much loved mother, please intervene now. Do not allow me to suffer anymore for this impossible cause, but let me receive the grace that I desire so much and that I can always honor you and pray to you for eternity.

Holy Mother, one last grace I ask you. Have mercy on all your children who live far away from you, protect the Pope, bishops and all priests and consecrated persons. Let each of them be the salt of the earth and the light of the world. Let every man enjoy Heaven and eternal life and if by chance there are some of our brothers who live far away from you for the numerous sins, pray for them your son Jesus and give each one the gift of salvation. You are the most tender of mothers for this I put all my trust in you, I put all my life in your hands and I ask you once again holy mother, mary of impossible causes stretch out your powerful arms and resolve this cause of mine life so difficult and have mercy on me.

Mother I know that you do everything for me and I now praise you, bless you, thank you and proclaim you sovereign of my life. You can do everything and I now ask you holy mother, intervene and do not allow evil to prevail but joy, grace and love always reign in this world of darkness. Convert sinners, give grace to the righteous, heal the sick to be a loving mother for all of you who are the mother of all mothers.

Mary, who causes impossible causes, pray for me and for all your beloved children.