Petition to Our Lady of Montevergine to be recited today to ask for a grace


Blessed Virgin, who, deh! centuries, you deigned to choose and consecrate Montevergine to your Sanctuary, oh! turn your merciful eyes upon us who, prostrate at your feet, honor you and invoke you in this Holy Image.

O very loving Made of all the faithful, oh! continue to show you at all times to each of us true Mother, as you have always shown yourself so far: but let us still constantly conduct you towards you as true children, lovers, respectful and devoted .... Hail Mary.

O charity treasurer of the divine graces, deh! pour them out over us, who we ask you with all confidence: well know what and how many the needs of our souls are ... Hail Mary.

O most powerful Advocate of poor sinners, oh! assist us in dangers, fortify us in temptations, and keep us immune from all sin: do not tire of continually sponsoring the salvation of our souls with your Son, until you have brought them with you to Heaven. So be it ... Ave Maria.