Petition to the Virgin Mother Queen to be recited in May

O Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary,
that shine in the glory of God
as Mother of Christ and our Mother,
extend to us, Your children, Your maternal protection.

We contemplate you in the silence of your hidden life,
attentive and docile listening
to the call of the divine Messenger.
It envelops us with sublime tenderness
the mystery of your inner charity,
which generates life and gives joy to those who trust in you.
Your Mother's heart softens us,
ready to follow the Son Jesus everywhere on Calvary,
where, amid the pains of passion,
stand at the foot of the cross with heroic will of redemption.
In the triumph of the Resurrection, your presence
it gives joyful courage to all believers,
called to be a witness of communion,
one heart and one soul.
Now, in the bliss of God, as bride of the Spirit,
Mother and Queen of the Church,
fill the hearts of the saints with joy and, through the ages,
you are comfort and defense in danger.

O Mary, Queen of the Holy Rosary,
guide us in contemplating the mysteries of Your Son Jesus,
because we too, following the path of Christ together with You, become capable of living the events of our salvation with full availability.
Bless the families;
gives them the joy of unfailing love,
open to the gift of life; protect young people.
Give serene hope to those who live in old age or succumb to pain.
Help us to open ourselves to the divine light
and with You read the signs of his presence,
to conform more and more to Your Son, Jesus,
and contemplate forever, now transfigured,
his face in the Kingdom of infinite peace.