Pray and crown the Holy Spirit to ask for healing

“Come Holy Spirit, pour out on us the source of your graces and arouse a new Pentecost in the Church! Descend on your bishops, on priests, on men and women religious, on the faithful and on those who do not believe, on the most hardened sinners and on each of us! Get off on all the peoples of the world, on all races and on every class and category of people! Shake us with your divine breath, purify us of all sin and deliver us from all deception and evil! Ignite us with your fire, let us burn and consume ourselves in your love! Teach us to understand that God is everything, all our happiness and joy and that only in him is our present, our future and our eternity. Come to us Holy Spirit and transform us, save us, reconcile us, unite us, consecrate us! Teach us to be totally of Christ, totally yours, totally of God! We ask you this through the intercession and under the guidance and protection of the Blessed Virgin Mary, your Immaculate bride, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, the Queen of peace! Amen!.


In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.

O God, come save me,

O Lord, make haste to help me.

Glory to the Father ...


On the grains of our Father we pray:

Come Comforter Spirit,
fill the hearts of your faithful
and light in them the fire of your love.
Come Comforter Spirit!

On the grains of the Ave Maria please:

Holy Father, in the Name of Jesus
send Your Spirit to renew the world.

Consecration to the Holy Spirit

O Holy Spirit
Love that proceeds from the Father and the Son
Inexhaustible source of grace and life
I wish to consecrate my person to you,
my past, my present, my future, my desires,
my choices, my decisions, my thoughts, my affections,
all that belongs to me and all that I am.

Everyone I meet, whom I think I know, whom I love
and everything my life will come into contact with:
all be benefited by the power of your light, your warmth, your peace.

You are Lord and give life
and without your Strength nothing is without fault.

O Spirit of Eternal Love
come into my heart, renew it
and make it more and more like the Heart of Mary,
so that I can become, now and forever,
Temple and Tabernacle of Your Divine Presence.