Today's plea: Holy family Bless us all

O admirable Holy Family of Nazareth, divine and all-holy Family, we poor sinners, we come to your amiable presence to implore heavenly blessings.

Bless us, we beg you!

Bless us with your holy love,

bless us with your holy virtues,

bless us with the grace of your hearts,

bless us with the privileges of your highest dignity.

Bless our will to love you and imitate you.

Bless our weak bodies, our souls, our affections, our desires, all the good that we will do and every work that you do for the glory of God and for Your glory.

Holy Family, bless the earth with all the trees and forests,

bless the seas and rivers and every being who lives on earth.

Bless, we beg you, our loved ones and those who harm us.

Bless and fill with all grace all our brothers who bring us all sorts of suffering and especially those who persecute us.

Bless us, so that we can renounce ourselves, freeing ourselves from self-love.

Bless us, that we may follow the only way of divine will to be blessed.

Bless the families in which hatred and violence reign, impurity and all those forms of sin that do not feed the peace and serenity of the family.

Bless the Church and the Pope, the Bishops, the Priests, the Religious, the State and those who govern us.

We stop, O lovely Trinity of the earth because you now grant the world the long-awaited blessing (we remain silent for a few moments).

Jesus, divine child,

Mary, Immaculate Mother,

Joseph, most pure Father,

Holy Family, Trinity of the earth,

in Your name and in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,

may the blessing of Almighty God descend on us, on all the earth and on all the families of the world. Amen.