Supplication to Mary Most Holy "Mystic Rose" to obtain a grace


Immaculate Virgin, Mother of Grace, Mystical rose, in honor of Your Divine Son, we prostrate ourselves before You to implore mercy from God: not for our merits, but for the goodness of your motherly Heart, we ask for help and thanks, sure that you will hear us!

- Ave Maria

Mother of Jesus, Queen of the Rosary, and Mother of the Church mystical body of Christ, let us beg for the parched world the gift of unity and peace and all those graces that can convert the hearts of so many of your children!

- Ave Maria

Mystic, Queen of the Apostles, make numerous religious and priestly vocations flourish around the Eucharistic Altars which, with the sanctity of life and ardent zeal for souls can extend the Kingdom of your Jesus all over the world!

Fill us with your heavenly favors!

- Hello queen

- Rosa Mistica, Mother of the Church, pray for us!

The Madonna appeared seven times in 1947 to Pierina Gilli (M. 12.1.1991) in the Montichiari hospital (BS) where she worked. Many other times from 1966 onwards she appeared in Fontanella near Montichiari, where by order of her bishop she had retired. "Try to correspond to such a wonderful grace ..." Pope Pius XII said in an audience in 1951.

Paul VI kept in his study the statue and the book "Mystical Rose".

On 13.7.1947 Our Lady said to her: «I wish that the 13th of each month be regarded as a day dedicated to special prayers to be started twelve days before. I will bring down on that day an abundance of graces and holiness of vocations over those who have honored me.

I wish the 13th July of each year to be celebrated in honor of "Rosa Mistica" »

Three roses were stuck in his chest: one white, one red, one yellow-gold. She herself explained the meaning:

- the white rose symbolizes the spirit of prayer:

- the red rose the spirit of sacrifice and self-sacrifice;

- the golden yellow rose the spirit of penance.