
Practical devotions to obtain forgiveness of sins every day

Practical devotions to obtain forgiveness of sins every day


Jelena of Medjugorje: prayer, confession, sin. What Our Lady says

Jelena of Medjugorje: prayer, confession, sin. What Our Lady says

D. Are you ever tired of praying? Do you always feel the desire? A. Prayer for me is a rest. I think everyone should ...

Devotion to Medjugorje: Confession in Mary's messages

Devotion to Medjugorje: Confession in Mary's messages

Message of June 26, 1981 "I am the Blessed Virgin Mary". Appearing again only to Marija, Our Lady says: «Peace. Peace. Peace. Reconcile. Reconcile with ...

Devotion to the sacraments: why confess? sin a little understood reality

Devotion to the sacraments: why confess? sin a little understood reality

In our times we can see the disaffection of Christians towards confession. It is one of the signs of the crisis of faith that many are going through. ...

Examination of conscience to be followed to make a good Confession

Examination of conscience to be followed to make a good Confession

What is the Sacrament of Penance? Penance, also called confession, is the sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ to remit sins committed after Baptism. ...

Listen to what Our Lady of Medjugorje tells you about Confession

Listen to what Our Lady of Medjugorje tells you about Confession

Message of November 7, 1983 Do not go to confession out of habit, to remain as before, without any change. No, that's not good. Confession must give ...

Medjugorje: Our Lady speaks to you about Mass, confession and what to do

Medjugorje: Our Lady speaks to you about Mass, confession and what to do

Message of October 15, 1983 You are not attending mass as you should. If you knew what grace and what gift you receive in the Eucharist, you would prepare yourselves every day ...

All you need to do to receive forgiveness of sins

All you need to do to receive forgiveness of sins

“YOUR SINS ARE FORGIVEN. GO IN PEACE "(cf. Lk 7,48: 50-XNUMX) To celebrate the sacrament of reconciliation, God loves us and wants us to be free from ...

Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you how and how much to make the Sacrament of Confession

Our Lady in Medjugorje tells you how and how much to make the Sacrament of Confession

Message of August 6, 1982 People should be encouraged to go to confession every month, especially on the first Friday or the first Saturday of the month. Do this ...

How to understand if my life is in sin?

How to understand if my life is in sin?

SIN, A REALITY LITTLE HAPPEN In our times we can see the disaffection of Christians towards confession. It is one of the signs of the crisis of ...

Follow the advice of the Saints on the Sacrament of Confession

Follow the advice of the Saints on the Sacrament of Confession

St. Pius X - Neglect of one's soul reaches the point of neglecting the very sacrament of penance, of which Christ gave us nothing, ...

Confession: why tell my sins to a priest?

Confession: why tell my sins to a priest?

Why do I have to tell my things to a man like me? Isn't it enough for God to see them? The faithful who do not understand nature ...

Do you want to make a good confession? Here's how to do it ...

What is Penance? Penance, or Confession, is the Sacrament instituted by Jesus Christ to remit sins committed after Baptism. How many and ...

Distinction between mortal and venial sin. How to make a good confession

To receive the Eucharist it is necessary to be in God's grace, that is, not to have committed serious sins after the last well-made confession. So, if you are ...