
Powerful chaplet to the Guardian Angel to ask for a grace

Powerful chaplet to the Guardian Angel to ask for a grace

Heavenly Father, I thank your infinite goodness for having entrusted me, from the moment my soul came out of your creative hands, to a ...

Recite this prayer to your Guardian Angel to obtain the desired grace

Recite this prayer to your Guardian Angel to obtain the desired grace

Holy Guardian Angel, from the beginning of my life you have been given to me as a protector and companion. Here, in the presence of my Lord and my God, ...

Invoke your Guardian Angel with this prayer and ask for a particular grace

Invoke your Guardian Angel with this prayer and ask for a particular grace

Holy Angel, my powerful guardian, for that supreme hatred that you nourish towards sin, because it is an offense of God whom you love with pure and perfect love; get me ...

8 things your Guardian Angel wants you to know about him

Each of us has our own Guardian Angel, but we often forget we have one. It would be easier if he could talk to us, if we could watch him, ...

"My Guardian Angel saved me from a traffic accident." Testimonies of Padre Pio

A lawyer from Fano was on his way home from Bologna. He was at the wheel of his 1100 in which his wife and ...

8 things your Guardian Angel wants you to know about him

Each of us has our own Guardian Angel, but we often forget we have one. It would be easier if he could talk to us, if we could watch him, ...