by Father Amorth

This prayer written by Father Amorth is very powerful for liberation

Lord, Almighty and Merciful God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, expel me, my friends and family, those who can help me financially and ...

This prayer was written by Father Amorth to combat all kinds of evil

"Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin, Angels, Archangels and Saints of Heaven, come down on me: Melt me, ...

Satan's tricks revealed by Father Amorth

Born in Modena from a family deeply linked to Catholicism and Catholic Action, he was a member of the FUCI. At the age of 18 he joined ...

The prayer written by Father Amorth against evil

"Spirit of the Lord, Spirit of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, Holy Trinity, Immaculate Virgin, Angels, Archangels and Saints of Heaven, come down on me: Melt me, ...