
Ostia becomes flesh: the Eucharistic miracle of SOKÓŁKA

On October 12, 2008, at the church dedicated to St. Anthony of Sokółka, the Holy Mass at 8:30 was celebrated by a young vicar, Filip Zdrodowski.…

Eucharistic miracle in Poland approved by the bishop

In 2013 in Poland it was proven that a bleeding host was human heart tissue, as Bishop Zbigniew Kiernikowski announced on April 17,…

Extraordinary: the Eucharistic miracle of Cascia

In Cascia, in the Basilica dedicated to S. Rita, there is also the relic of an outstanding Eucharistic Miracle, which took place near Siena in 1330. A…

Eucharistic Rosary

Eucharistic Rosary

FIRST EUCHARISTIC MYSTERY We contemplate how Jesus Christ instituted the Blessed Sacrament to remind us of his passion and death. 'The bread that I will give ...