
We recite this prayer to free our deceased from Purgatory

We recite this prayer to free our deceased from Purgatory

My Jesus, for that copious sweat of blood which You shed in the garden of Gethsemane, have mercy on the souls of my closest relatives who suffer in ...

3 prayers to free dozens of Souls from Purgatory. Let's recite it for our loved ones

3 prayers to free dozens of Souls from Purgatory. Let's recite it for our loved ones

1) After reciting this prayer for a whole month consecutively. Even that soul that would be condemned until the day of judgment, will be freed the same day ...

Do you want to free a soul from Purgatory?

Say this prayer for 30 days and she will go to Heaven. "After reciting this prayer for a whole month, even that soul who was condemned ...