
Devotion to the Father: prayer when things are not going well

Devotion to the Father: prayer when things are not going well

Lord, help us when things don't go well Lord, there are days when things don't go well, we are unhappy with each other, it's hard…

Devotion to the Father: the reparatory prayer that makes you avoid hell

Devotion to the Father: the reparatory prayer that makes you avoid hell

Reparative Prayer A poor deceased Poor Clare woman appeared to her Abbess who was praying for her and said to her: “I went straight to heaven because, having recited ...

Devotion to the Father: the messengers of love, Isaiah

Devotion to the Father: the messengers of love, Isaiah

THE MESSENGERS OF LOVE: ISAIA INTRODUCTION – – Isaiah is more than a prophet, he has been called the evangelist of the Old Testament. He had a human personality and…

Devotion to God the Father: prayer with three truly unique promises

Devotion to God the Father: prayer with three truly unique promises

Initial invocation: O God, come and save me! Lord, come quickly to my help Glory be to the Father ... My Father, good Father, I offer myself to You, to ...

Letter from a father to a non-daughter

Letter from a father to a non-daughter

Today I want to talk about a man who is not taken into much consideration. A man who at some point in his life met ...

Powerful devotion to obtain graces: the Rosary to the Father

Powerful devotion to obtain graces: the Rosary to the Father

The Father promises that for every Our Father that is recited, dozens of souls will be saved from eternal damnation and dozens of souls will be freed ...

This prayer Padre Pio recited it to obtain healing of body and soul

This prayer Padre Pio recited it to obtain healing of body and soul

Lord Jesus, I believe you are alive and resurrected. I believe that you are truly present in the Blessed Sacrament of the altar and in each of us who believe in ...

You are all children of one Father

I am your God, father of every creature, immense and merciful love that gives everyone peace and serenity. In this dialogue between me and ...

Great graces are received with this rosary. Powerful prayer

Great graces are received with this rosary. Powerful prayer

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. O God, come and save me. O Lord, make haste to help me. FIRST MYSTERY: Yes ...

Pray to God the Father to be recited on the last day of August, the month dedicated to him

Pray to God the Father to be recited on the last day of August, the month dedicated to him

FATHER, thank you that you have given me Jesus. I offer you his prayer, his Eucharist, his Passion, death and Resurrection. With Jesus and Mary, ...