
Petition to the "Madonna of the Miracle" to be recited for special help

Petition to the "Madonna of the Miracle" to be recited for special help

Holy Virgin of Sorrows, or amiable and sweet our mother, or august lady of the miracle, here we are prostrate at your feet. We turn to you, or ...

Invocation to the Mother of God to obtain a particular grace and protection

Invocation to the Mother of God to obtain a particular grace and protection

Most Holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary, to you who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge ...

A particular grace will receive all those who practice this devotion

A particular grace will receive all those who practice this devotion

Blessed Mary of Jesus Crucified, a Discalced Carmelite, was born in Galilee in 1846 and died in Bethlehem on August 26, 1878. She was an outstanding religious for…

Invocation to the Mother of God to obtain a particular grace and protection

Invocation to the Mother of God to obtain a particular grace and protection

Most Holy Immaculate Virgin and my Mother Mary, to you who are the Mother of my Lord, the Queen of the world, the advocate, the hope, the refuge ...

Chaplet to invoke the Holy Spirit and ask for a particular grace

O God come save me Lord come quickly to my aid Glory be to the Father… As it was in the beginning… Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, detach us from…

Prayer to the "Madonna delle Grazie" for a particular grace

1. O Heavenly Treasurer of all graces, Mother of God and my Mother Mary, since you are the Firstborn Daughter of the Eternal Father and you hold in…

Chaplet to invoke the Holy Spirit and ask for a particular grace

O God come save me Lord come quickly to my aid Glory be to the Father… As it was in the beginning… Come, O Spirit of Wisdom, detach us from…

Chaplet to the Holy Spirit to ask for a particular grace

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. O God, come and save me, Lord, come quickly to my aid. Glory to the Father ... I believe ...

Rosary of the seven pains to ask for a particular grace

Our Lady said to Marie Claire, one of the Kibeho visionaries chosen to advertise the spread of this chaplet: "What I ask you is ...

CROWN TO GOD THE FATHER to ask for a particular grace

1. «My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me! But not as I want, but as you want "(Mt 26,39:XNUMX). Pater, Ave, Gloria ...

Today it is the "Madonna of the snow". Prayer to ask for a particular grace

O Mary, woman of the most sublime heights, teach us to climb the holy mountain which is Christ. Guide us on the path of God, marked by the footsteps of ...

Prayer to St. Leopold Mandic to ask for a particular grace

O God our Father, who in Christ your Son, who died and rose, redeemed all our pain and wanted St. Leopold, the paternal presence of ...

Litanies of the Passion of Jesus to be recited in a particular need

Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus Christ, hear us Jesus Christ, hear us. Heavenly Father, God, ...

Prayer to the "Madonna of the remedies" to ask for special help

O Holy Virgin, Mother of God, on this solemn day in which we celebrate you under the title of Our Lady of Remedies, turn your benign ...

Chaplet to the Holy Spirit to ask for a particular grace

In the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. O God, come and save me, Lord, come quickly to my aid. Glory to the Father ... I believe ...

Rosary of the seven pains to ask for a particular grace

Our Lady said to Marie Claire, one of the Kibeho visionaries chosen to advertise the spread of this chaplet: "What I ask you is ...

Prayer for any particular grace

Immaculate Conceived without original sin, Mother of God and Almighty by Grace, Queen of Angels, Advocate and Co-redemptrix of mankind, I beg you not to look ...