
Do you want to pray always and everywhere? Recite these ejaculations desired by Jesus

Do you want to pray always and everywhere? Recite these ejaculations desired by Jesus

1) O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You. 2) Immaculate Heart of Mary, she prays for us now and at the hour of ...

The prayer that Padre Pio always recited. Made with faith and perseverance it works miracles

The prayer that Padre Pio always recited. Made with faith and perseverance it works miracles

Today in this article we will talk about the prayer that Padre Pio always said to Jesus. It is a very powerful prayer and can work miracles. Better if ...

This prayer said with faith can work miracles ... Padre Pio always recited it

This prayer said with faith can work miracles ... Padre Pio always recited it

Today in this article we will talk about the prayer that Padre Pio always said to Jesus. It is a very powerful prayer and can work miracles. Better if ...

Padre Pio always said this prayer after Communion

STAY with me Lord, because it is necessary to have You present so as not to forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. STAY with me Lord, because I am ...

The prayer that Father Amorth always said

In the Name of Jesus Christ I renounce satan and every occult bond, his "work on my spirit, his work on my body, ...

This prayer allows us to obtain a help from Our Lady. Always to be recited

Virgin Mary, Mother who never abandoned a son who cries out for help, Mother whose hands work tirelessly for your children so much ...

An ejaculatory to free our loved ones from Purgatory that can always be recited

Extract from the 41st message of the MOTHER OF GOD, revealed on February 12, 1998 in Fulda (Germany) to the visionary Anna, who leads a hidden life. There is little ...

"You can always pray and it's not bad" ... by Viviana Rispoli (hermit)

Jesus urges us to pray always and it seems that this invitation is an impossible undertaking, in reality if Jesus asks us it is because yes ...


Our prayer life must not be exhausted in the morning and evening prayers, as well as in all the other practices of piety that ...

An ejaculatory to free our loved ones from Purgatory that can always be recited

Extract from the 41st message of the MOTHER OF GOD, revealed on February 12, 1998 in Fulda (Germany) to the visionary Anna, who leads a hidden life. There is little ...

Padre Pio always said this prayer after Communion

STAY with me Lord, because it is necessary to have You present so as not to forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. STAY with me Lord, because I am ...

Padre Pio always said this prayer after Communion

STAY with me Lord, because it is necessary to have You present so as not to forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. STAY with me Lord, because I am ...

The most fruitful prayer that can always be recited

(from the writings of St. John of the Cross) An act of perfect love of God immediately fulfills the mystery of the union of the soul to God. This soul, even if ...

The Prayer that Padre Pio always recited after Communion

STAY with me Lord, because it is necessary to have You present so as not to forget You. You know how easily I abandon You. STAY with me Lord, because I am ...