a grace


In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen. O Saint Joseph, my protector and advocate, I have recourse to you, so that you implore me ...

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima to ask for a grace

O Holy Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, who appeared at Fatima to the three little shepherds to bring a message of peace to the world ...

Prayer to Sant'Antonio to obtain a special grace

Prayer to Sant'Antonio to obtain a special grace

O glorious Saint Anthony, who had from God the power to raise the dead, awaken my soul from lukewarmness and obtain for me a fervent life and ...

Very effective prayer to ask a grace to Maria SS.ma

Very effective prayer to ask a grace to Maria SS.ma

  Holy Virgin of Sorrows, or amiable and sweet our mother, or august lady of the miracle, here we are prostrate at your feet. We turn to you…

Chaplet to God the Father to be recited in this month to ask for a grace

Chaplet to God the Father to be recited in this month to ask for a grace

1. «My Father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me! But not as I want, but as you want "(Mt 26,39:XNUMX). Pater, Ave, Gloria ...

Powerful plea to God the Father to recite this month to ask for a grace

Powerful plea to God the Father to recite this month to ask for a grace

FATHER, thank you that you have given me Jesus. I offer you his prayer, his Eucharist, his Passion, death and Resurrection. With Jesus and Mary, ...

Triduum to Our Lady of the Assumption to start today to ask for a grace

Triduum to Our Lady of the Assumption to start today to ask for a grace

I. Blessed be the hour, O Mary, in which you were invited by your Lord to heaven. Ave Maria… II. Blessed be the hour, oh Mary, when ...

Prayer to Saint Clare to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to Saint Clare to be recited today to ask for a grace

O Seraphic Saint Clare, first disciple of the poor man of Assisi, who abandoned riches and honors for a life of sacrifice and of the highest poverty, obtain us from ...

You can start the Novena in Sant'Antonio to ask for an important grace for you

You can start the Novena in Sant'Antonio to ask for an important grace for you

1st DAY Saint Anthony, you who sought solitude in your apostolic lessons to abandon yourself to contemplation, preserve us from agitation and noise. Give us the taste ...

Prayer to San Lorenzo to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to San Lorenzo to be recited today to ask for a grace

  1. O glorious St. Lawrence, who are honored for your constant fidelity in serving the holy Church in times of persecution, for the…

You can pray the Novena delle Rose to ask for an important grace for you

You can pray the Novena delle Rose to ask for an important grace for you

PRAYER FOR THE NOVENA Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I thank you for all the favors and graces with which you have enriched ...

Wednesday prayers to be recited to St. Joseph to ask for a grace

Wednesday prayers to be recited to St. Joseph to ask for a grace

My Glorious Father Saint Joseph, you are elected from among all the Saints; blessed among all the righteous in your soul, for she was sanctified and full ...

Prayer to San Domenico to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to San Domenico to be recited today to ask for a grace

O most holy priest of God, excellent confessor and excellent preacher, most blessed Father Dominic, man elected by the Lord, we are happy to have you as our special advocate ...

This novena is very powerful for having a grace called "Novena of Grace"

This novena is very powerful for having a grace called "Novena of Grace"

O most amiable and beloved Saint Francis Xavier, with you I adore the divine Majesty with reverence. I am pleased with the very special gifts of grace of which God ...

We ask for the powerful intercession of Saint Bernadette to ask for a grace

We ask for the powerful intercession of Saint Bernadette to ask for a grace

Dear Saint Bernadette, chosen by Almighty God as a channel of his graces and blessings, through your humble obedience to the requests of Our Mother Mary, ...

We ask Jesus for a grace with this thanksgiving prayer

We ask Jesus for a grace with this thanksgiving prayer

I thank you God of heaven for the extraordinary grace of being able to stand in front of you. Thank you for sending me the Holy Spirit and for ...

Today 5 August birthday of the Madonna. He pleads with his name to ask for a grace

Today 5 August birthday of the Madonna. He pleads with his name to ask for a grace

O powerful Mother of God and my Mother Mary, it is true that I am not even worthy of mentioning you, but You love me and desire the ...

Today begins the Novena to the "Madonna Assunta" to ask for a grace

Today begins the Novena to the "Madonna Assunta" to ask for a grace

* I. Blessed be the hour, O Mary, in which you were invited by your Lord to heaven. Hail Mary… * II. Blessed be the hour, oh Mary ...

Prayer to Sant'Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to Sant'Alfonso Maria de 'Liguori to be recited today to ask for a grace

O my glorious and beloved protector Saint Alphonsus who labored and suffered so much to ensure men and women the fruit of redemption, look at the miseries of ...

Prayer to San Leopoldo Mandic to be recited today to ask for a grace

O God our Father, who in Christ your Son, who died and rose, redeemed all our pain and wanted St. Leopold, the paternal presence of ...

Want to ask a grace to the "Madonna delle Grazie"? Here is the prayer to say

Want to ask a grace to the "Madonna delle Grazie"? Here is the prayer to say

1. O Heavenly Treasurer of all graces, Mother of God and my Mother Mary, since you are the Firstborn Daughter of the Eternal Father and you hold in…

Prayer to Sant'Anna to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to Sant'Anna to be recited today to ask for a grace

Anna, truly blessed woman, from the fruit of your womb we have the joy of contemplating the Mother of God made man. Mother Anna, what mind does not…

Prayer to St. James to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to St. James to be recited today to ask for a grace

O relative of Jesus Christ according to the flesh, and much more according to the spirit, favored and familiar Apostle of the Lord, by whom you were called among ...

Prayer to Saint Charbel to be recited today to obtain a grace

Prayer to Saint Charbel to be recited today to obtain a grace

O great miracle worker San Charbel, who spent your life in solitude in a humble and hidden hermitage, renouncing the world and its vanities…

Start the Novena to your Guardian Angel today to ask him for a grace

Start the Novena to your Guardian Angel today to ask him for a grace

XNUMXst Day O most faithful Executor of God's advice, my most holy Guardian Angel, who, from the very first moments of my life, keep watch always attentive to ...

Today begins the novena in San Pio da Pietrelcina to ask for a grace

Today begins the novena in San Pio da Pietrelcina to ask for a grace

O God, come and save me, Lord come quickly to my aid. FIRST DAY O Saint Pio, for the ardent love you nurtured for Jesus, for ...

Petition to Our Lady of Carmel to be recited today to ask for a grace

Petition to Our Lady of Carmel to be recited today to ask for a grace

O glorious Virgin Mary, mother and decorum of Mount Carmel that your goodness has chosen as the place of your particular benevolence, on this day ...

Powerful plea to the Blood of Jesus to be recited this month to ask for a grace

Powerful plea to the Blood of Jesus to be recited this month to ask for a grace

1. I ask you, Most Holy Mother, for that pure, innocent and blessed Blood that Jesus shed in his circumcision at the tender age of only eight ...

Today begins the Novena of Mother Hope to ask for an important grace

Today begins the Novena of Mother Hope to ask for an important grace

FIRST DAY In the name of the Father, of the Son and of the Holy Spirit Introductory prayer (for all days) My Jesus, great is my pain ...

You can pray the "Novena of Grace" to ask for an important grace

You can pray the "Novena of Grace" to ask for an important grace

O most amiable and beloved Saint Francis Xavier, with you I adore the divine Majesty with reverence. I am pleased with the very special gifts of grace of which God ...

Today begins the seven-day prayer to the Madonna del Carmine to ask for a grace

Today begins the seven-day prayer to the Madonna del Carmine to ask for a grace

1 - O Virgin of Carmel, our most lovable mother, since you have honored us with the gift of the Holy Habit as a pledge of your maternal protection, you ...

The very effective "Novena delle Rose" begins today to obtain a grace

The very effective "Novena delle Rose" begins today to obtain a grace

Father Putigan, SJ, on December 3, 1925, began a novena asking for an important grace. To find out if he was granted, he asked for a sign. He wanted to receive ...

Prayer to implore a grace to Saint John Paul II

Prayer to implore a grace to Saint John Paul II

O Holy Trinity, we thank you for having given the Holy John Paul II to the Church and for having made the tenderness of ...

Very powerful chaplet to obtain a grace and break the laces of satan

Very powerful chaplet to obtain a grace and break the laces of satan

A common Rosary is used: BIG GRAINS: Eternal Father I offer you the tears of Jesus shed in his passion to save souls ...

Prayer to Santa Maria Goretti to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to Santa Maria Goretti to be recited today to ask for a grace

O little Maria Goretti who sacrificed your life to preserve your virginity and who, dying, forgave your killer by promising to pray for ...

Begging Our Lady for "perpetual help" to ask for a grace

Begging Our Lady for "perpetual help" to ask for a grace

O Mother of Perpetual Help, many are those who prostrate before your holy image, ask for your patronage. Everyone calls you "The Help of ...

3 prayers to San Pio da Pietrelcina very effective to ask for a grace

3 prayers to San Pio da Pietrelcina very effective to ask for a grace

Padre Pio, you lived in the century of pride and you were humble. Padre Pio you passed among us in the age of riches dreamed of, played with and…

"A grace from my Father awaits you with this devotion". Promise of Jesus

"A grace from my Father awaits you with this devotion". Promise of Jesus

1 Those who daily offer their work, sacrifices and prayers to the Heavenly Father in union with My Precious Blood and My Wounds ...

July, month dedicated to the Precious Blood. Prayer to ask for a grace

July, month dedicated to the Precious Blood. Prayer to ask for a grace

O God come and save me, etc. Glory to the Father, etc. 1. Jesus shed blood in circumcision O Jesus, Son of God made man, the first ...

Petition to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be recited today to ask for a grace

Petition to the Immaculate Heart of Mary to be recited today to ask for a grace

I. - Most Sacred Heart of Mary always Virgin and immaculate, Heart after that of Jesus, the purest, the holiest, the noblest that ...

A prayer to Our Lady to ask for a grace in the most desperate cases

A prayer to Our Lady to ask for a grace in the most desperate cases

I. O Immaculate Virgin and Queen of the Holy Rosary, You, in these times of dead faith and triumphant impiety, wanted to plant your…

Effective vestiacs requested by Jesus to obtain a sure grace

Effective vestiacs requested by Jesus to obtain a sure grace

1) O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to You. 2) Immaculate Heart of Mary, she prays for us now and at the hour of ...

Petition to Our Lady to ask for a grace. Natuzza Evolo recited it every day

Petition to Our Lady to ask for a grace. Natuzza Evolo recited it every day

O Heavenly Mother, giver of graces, relief of afflicted hearts, hope of those who despair, thrown into the most desolating distress I have come to prostrate myself to yours ...

Two very short but very effective novenas to obtain a grace

Two very short but very effective novenas to obtain a grace

Novena of the Roses to Saint Teresa of the Child Jesus Holy Trinity Father, Son and Holy Spirit I thank you for all the favors and ...

Pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be recited today to obtain a grace

Pray to the Sacred Heart of Jesus to be recited today to obtain a grace

Do not deny us, O Most Holy Heart of Jesus, the grace we ask of you. We will not move away from you, until you have made us listen to the ...

Prayer to ask for a grace from the Holy Spirit written by Mother Teresa

Prayer to ask for a grace from the Holy Spirit written by Mother Teresa

Holy Spirit, give me the ability to go all the way. When I see that there is a need for me. When I feel that I can be useful. When I ...

Prayer to Saint Joseph to be recited on Wednesday to ask for a grace

Prayer to Saint Joseph to be recited on Wednesday to ask for a grace

My Glorious Father Saint Joseph, you are elected from among all the Saints; blessed among all the righteous in your soul, for she was sanctified and full ...

Prayer to San Luigi Gonzaga to be recited today to ask for a grace

Prayer to San Luigi Gonzaga to be recited today to ask for a grace

I. Angelico S. Luigi, who despite being born among the comforts and riches of the world, with the continuous exercise of prayer, retreat and ...

Supplication to Mary Comforter to be recited today to ask for an important grace

Supplication to Mary Comforter to be recited today to ask for an important grace

We turn to you, O Virgin Consolata, impregnable wall and fortress in which one is saved. You disperse the advice of evil, change the ...

Do you want to ask an important grace to your Guardian Angel? Recite this chaplet

Do you want to ask an important grace to your Guardian Angel? Recite this chaplet

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen O God, come and save me. O Lord, make haste to help me. Glory to ...