a grace

Chaplet to Our Lady of Fatima to ask for a grace

I. O Virgin Mother, who deigned to appear in the solitary mountains of Fatima to three little shepherds, teaching us that in the retreat we must entertain ourselves with God ...

Prayer to SANTA MARIA FAUSTINA KOWALSKA to obtain a grace

Oh Jesus, who made Saint Mary Faustina a great devotee of your immense mercy, grant me, through her intercession, and according to your most holy will, the ...

Novena to the Madonna dello Scoglio to ask for a pardon

O Holy Virgin of the Rock, whose name is often uttered by the lips of so many devoted souls who turn to You with full confidence of ...

Novena to the precious Blood of Jesus powerful to obtain a grace

O Precious Blood, source of eternal life, price and reason of the universe, sacred bath of our souls, who relentlessly defend the cause of men ...

Novena to Mother Teresa of Calcutta to obtain a grace

PRAYER (to be repeated every day of the novena) Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, you allowed the thirsty love of Jesus on the Cross to become within you ...

Chaplet to the Heart of Mary to ask for a grace

Our Lady promised: “With this prayer you will blind Satan! In the storm that is coming, I will always be with you. I am your Mother: I can and ...

Novena of the roses to ask for an important grace

Father Putigan, SJ, on December 3, 1925, began a novena asking for an important grace. To find out if he was granted, he asked for a sign. He wanted to receive ...

Prayer to ask for a grace to Saint Anthony of Padua

It is one of the characteristic devotions to the Saint of Padua for whose feast we prepare for thirteen days (instead of the usual nine ...

Powerful prayer to the Holy Angels and Archangels to ask for a grace

God One and Three, Almighty and Eternal, before we, your servants, invoke the Holy Angels, we kneel before You and adore You. God…

Prayer to ask a grace to San Giuseppe Moscati

O St. Giuseppe Moscati, distinguished doctor and scientist, who in the exercise of the profession took care of the body and spirit of your patients, look also at us who ...

Prayer to Our Lady of Fatima to ask for a grace

O Holy Virgin, Mother of Jesus and our Mother, who appeared at Fatima to the three little shepherds to bring a message of peace to the world ...

Prayer to obtain a grace from Padre Pio

I am weak I need your help, your comfort, please bless all people, my friends, mine ...

Rosary of the seven pains to ask for a grace

Our Lady said to Marie Claire, one of the Kibeho visionaries chosen to advertise the spread of this chaplet: "What I ask you is ...


O good and merciful Lord; I am here to say this prayer to ask you for a grace ... (recite in a low voice the grace you want ...