Temptations: the way not to give in is to pray

Small prayer to help you not fall into sin

Jesus' message, “Pray not to enter temptation” is one of the most important that we, as Christians, must take to heart. Jesus who urges us not to enter into temptation, remembering that being tempted does not mean falling into sin. Sin is giving in to temptation, not suffering his attack.

Angel and devil

Temptation can take over different shapes and aspects, for example a desire that leads us to want something which in reality does not give us anything good, or a sense of revulsion or disgust towards something morally good and necessary for our sanctification. These are just a few examples but the temptations are truly many.

The true true Christian should never wonder of temptation, but could instead use it as an excellent means to grow in humility by making us recognize what we truly are.

The real problem, however, as mentioned is not being tempted, but yield to temptation. Giving in to temptation means lose the state of grace. Jesus invites us to protect ourselves against this serious risk and to fight with all possible means. In particular, he invites us to to pray so as not to fall into temptation, because there are moments in which only prayer can help us not to give in.


Many men and also many Christians, proud and confident, they don't want to understand it, just as the twelve apostles who fell asleep instead of praying didn't understand it either. And so we continue to give in to temptation without offer the least resistance. To help you today we want to leave you a prayer that will help you not to give in.

Prayer not to give in to temptation

Lord JesusPlease, let the hunger for what really matters grow in me give me your Bread of life: the only one that matters. You who come as a light to accompany us along a path of effort and hope, stay with us, Lord, when I doubts against the faith they attack us and discouragement destroys our hope.
When theindifference It cools our love and the temptation seems too strong. When someone mocks our confidence and our days are full of distractions. When defeat takes us by surprise and... weakness invades every desire. When we find ourselves alone, abandoned by everyone and pain takes us to desperate tears. Lord, in joy and in pain, in life and in death, stay with us!