Happiness theorem

Dear friend, after many beautiful reflections that we have made together so far, today I have the duty to tell you something fundamental for your existence, in reality for the existence of every man.

When we went to school from a young age, they taught us many things, if you also remember many theorems and theories made by great scholars of the past. Dear friend, nobody, neither a scholar nor a teacher, has had the trouble of teaching you the most important thing you had to know, that you carried with you all your life, the same thing that many men perhaps end their life but do not even understand. What I speak, dear friend, is not a theory made of numbers or rules, as they taught you in school, what I say is "the theorem of happiness".

Many people feel unhappy do you know why? They have happiness next to them and they don't see it.

Be careful dear friend to put your happiness in things or in people. Things end, people disappoint. Don't put your happiness at work, don't put your happiness in the family. Appreciate for all you have, thank God but what you have, you own is not your happiness.

Happiness dear friend, true happiness, consists in understanding that you have been created by God and you must return to God. It consists in understanding your vocation, your mission that God has given you since birth and following it. It consists in understanding that you are a child of God, you have a soul, you are eternal and this world is only in passing but eternal life is attentive to you.

If you see dear friend in what happiness consists of and I wrote you everything is based on the relationship and the gifts of God. Yes, dear friend, God created us, God does his will, then put his life in the hands of God and to follow its paths, its inspirations, its will, this is happiness. Then you have to understand that in our life nothing happens by chance but everything is linked to what God wants to do and wants you to achieve based on your life path. Understand coincidences well, nothing happens by chance.

Dear friend, only this little concept I wanted to tell you without going too long. A small concept but a great lesson. From now dear friend do not change your mood for a woman's smile, for a promotion at work or because your bank account fluctuates but you must always be happy because beyond these things that happen and happen again and again in your life do not you must forget that happiness is you for what you are and for what God created you and nothing that happens around you must affect your happiness.

Dear friend, if you go to the beginning of this essay you see that I have told you that many men have happiness next to them and do not see it. Dear friend, happiness is not next to you but within you. Happiness are you yourself, son of God, created for the eternal, loved without limits and full of light. That same light that you need to shine in your daily life to make the people who live next to you happy and make you understand that happiness is not an abstract thing but in reality you are yourself not the one around you.

This meditation was written today on Friday 17th to make it clear that superstition never exists. We are the architects of our destiny, our life is tied to God and not days and numbers.

Written by Paolo Tescione