Terrorist watches a movie about Jesus and gets converted, his story

"I saw, by chance, the movie 'Jesus. I had never heard of Jesus before. I had never heard his message of peace".

Il Jesus Film Project it starts from the assumption that “when people meet Jesus, everything changes”. The goal is “to share the story of Jesus” so that “everyone, everywhere, meets Christ”.

God Reports media told the story of Taweb, terrorist whose life was turned upside down by this project.

Taweb is described as a terrorist who has killed dozens of people, including more than a dozen children. But, since "for most fighters all these kills are worthless“, He was worrying more and more about the murders.

The man therefore decided to leave the terrorist group to which he belonged to return to his native village.

There he unwittingly witnessed the viewing of a film organized by the Jesus Film Project and was overwhelmed by the "message of peace".

“By chance, I saw the movie 'Jesus'. I had never heard of Jesus before. I had never heard the message of peace, ”he said.

Taweb then turned to the organizers of the project to organize a screening in his home. Her entire family participated and converted.

Then, the following night, for another screening, 45 families gathered in the village and, that evening, another 450 people began to turn to Jesus.

In the following four months, 75 terrorists laid down their weapons and turned to Jesus and today they lead many Christian communities.