Evidence of healing obtained by praying to Our Lady of Health and to San Giuseppe Benedetto Cottolengo

Today we want to tell you about some testimonials from healing deposited at the headquarters of the Eucharistic Last Supper Association of the Transfiguration. (Turin)


Eye healing

The story we are going to tell you is about a woman blind, very Christian, assiduous visitor of the masses celebrated by Don Adriano in the Abbey Monastery of Casanova. Don Adriano was always a father to her, ready to welcome her and pray for her. In the 2021, a Sunday in July Don Adriano prayed as always for the healing of the sick and suffering, but in particular for the diseases affecting the eyes.

At one point the woman felt within her the feeling of being healed, a voice telling her that she was no longer blind. From her eyes began to well tears of happinesswhile one rose from her heart prayer of thanksgiving, love and gratitude.

As the days went by his eyes saw more and more cleardespite the fact that the surgeon had told her that she had to undergo a series of surgeries. At the end of July she went to have tests and a specialist visit which confirmed her the healing.


Removal of a degenerated lipoma

This is the testimony of another very faithful woman who always went to the celebrations of Don Adriano and prayed for the sister in law, affected by a lipoma of 8 and a half ounces. She had always accompanied her, to every visit, in view of the surgery. However, the surgeon was undecided whether to operate on her or not due to the greatness and position where he was. Her sister-in-law was desperate so the woman decided to accompany her to the listening and prayer center at the monastery dthe Casanovas, to ask for Don Adriano's prayers.

One day the surgeon finally approved the surgery. Despite the danger, everything went smoothly. Practically the lipoma was encapsulated and had allowed to act without damaging other organs. fromhistological examination post-operative it was discovered that the lipoma, over time had turned into a malignant tumor but, thanks to the intervention that took place in time and to the strange encapsulation of the mass, no therapy had to be carried out.