Testimony Find out what the Spirit says

witness find out what the Spirit says. I did something unusual for a middle-aged European woman. I spent a weekend in a shed in a lonely field, in the middle of nowhere. I didn't see buildings, didn't hear people, and didn't have Wi-Fi. In truth, I had a lot to do. I had brought my books and my laptop to write seriously because I had a deadline that was approaching quickly and I was not ready.

What I needed, I thought, was a place totally free from distractions and human contact where I could just do things. I had also brought my own Bible. How nice it would be to sit in the evening sun and slowly turn the pages and meditate on the Word of God. Much more restful than looking for verses on my smartphone app. But what happened was a revelation to me, a shock as I had let my thought life become busy.

Testimony Find out what the Spirit says: let's listen to the story

Testimony Find out what the Spirit says: alet's listen to the story. As a young mom I was busy enough, heaven knows, but the frantic pace of practical family life and feelings of need prompted me to fence off a few minutes early in the morning or late at night to drink the Bible verses - they were my anchor of salvation and gave me courage. As I got older I became more mature in my understanding and the instinctive reaction to difficult situations decreased.

This is a good thing; but somewhere along the line, as we become more competent we can sometimes lose the need that prompted us to seek daily help and guidance. When I wake up these days, I have no children to take care of. Instead I reply to the most urgent emails on my phone and check the blogs, websites and Instagram accounts I write on. Twitter control. LinkedIn control. I make lists. I try to keep up with things running before my feet have even hit the floor. I spend most of my day on the computer. I research; I think. I always need to think a lot ...

At peace with yourself: how to do it

At peace with yourself: how to do. So, I sat on the hill near my hut, shaded by scented climbing roses and honeysuckle with views across the valley to the hills beyond. I looked at the thin clouds running across the blue sky and started reading Acts. I have read about ascension of Jesus, of the gift of Holy Spirit and how the early Church was led and strengthened by the Spirit, and I have read of signs and wonders.

And I've regained that sense of wonder about how deep I can go into God's word when I sit and read and listen to what He wants me to learn about myself from what I am reading. There was no rush, not just looking for a verse quickly to get a quick answer to a sudden problem. And I understood: I need this time to pause and think. I need to take the time to sit quietly and open my heart and say, "Here I am, and I'm listening ..."

Listen to the Spirit

Listen to the Spirit. It's not just "nice" to be able to sit and meditate. I am useful in the Body of Christ only to the extent that I listen and obey the Spirit in my life. And to hear the Spirit I need to listen, really listen, if I want to get revelations for myself. When the elders of Israel arrested and listened Peter e John, they admitted to themselves that a miracle had occurred. (Acts 4). They knew it with their brains. But they hadn't listened with their heart and spirit, because their only concern was how to silence him so that the truth would not spread beyond threatening their position of authority.

So, I came home from my hut on the hill with a sense of need that my busy life should include moments of meditation to make sure I hear him. Spirit with my spirit. That I don't just fill my brain with "good verses" that I understand intellectually, but that don't make a deep impression on my heart, nor give my life-changing revelations.