The 10 secrets of Medjugorje: the visionary Mirjana describes them

FATHER LIVIO: Here is Mirjana, let's move on to the chapter concerning the ten secrets. I tell you sincerely that I am not a curious person, but I would like to know all that is lawful to know and that Our Lady wants us to know. Being Director of Radio Maria, I feel a precise responsibility in this regard.

MIRJANA: Father Livio, tell me the truth, since we started our interview, you wait for this moment. You already said from the beginning that this is the thing that interests you most.

FATHER LIVIO: There is a personal reason that pushes me to have very exact information about it. From what I have read, it seems to me that these secrets will be made known to the world by a priest whom you chose three days before they come true. So, I asked myself this question: if at the time of the revelation of the secrets I will still be the Director of Radio Maria, will I have to inform people each time of how much the priest you have chosen will reveal? So here you are very clearly put the cards on the table.

MIRJANA: I also like to put the cards on the table and I tell you right away that you will be able to inform all the listeners of Radio Maria. There are no problems for this.

FATHER LIVIO: It's fine. So, Mirjana, have you had the ten secrets since Christmas 1982, when the apparitions ended ?.

MIRJANA: Maybe I'd better tell you all I can say right away.

FATHER LIVIO: Say all you can say and then I will ask you for some clarifications.

MIRJANA: Here I had to choose a priest to tell the ten secrets to and I chose the Franciscan father Petar Ljubicié. I have to say what will happen and where ten days before it happens. We must spend seven days in fasting and prayer and three days before he will have to tell everyone and he will not be able to choose whether to say or not to say. He has accepted that he will say everything to all three days before, so it will be seen that it is a thing of the Lord. Our Lady always says: "Don't talk about secrets, but pray and whoever feels me as Mother and God as Father, don't be afraid of anything".
We all always talk about what will happen in the future, but who among us can say if he will be alive tomorrow? Nobody! What Our Lady teaches us is not to worry about the future, but to be ready at that moment to go to meet the Lord and not instead waste time talking about secrets and things of this kind.
Father Petar, who is now in Germany, when he comes to Medjugorje, jokes with me and says: "Come to confession and tell me at least one secret now ..."
Because everyone is curious, but one must understand what is really important. The important thing is that we are ready to go to the Lord at all times and everything that happens, if it happens, will be the will of the Lord, which we cannot change. We can only change ourselves!

FATHER LIVIO: Our Lady also insists that those who pray are not afraid of the future. The real problem is when we move away from his heart and that of Jesus.

MIRJANA: Of course, because your father and mother cannot do you anything wrong. Close to them we are safe.

FATHER LIVIO: I read a recent article in an Italian Catholic magazine that mocked the secrets saying that, adding all those of the six visionaries, they would be fifty-seven and he would throw it into ridicule. What can you answer?

MIRJANA: We also know math, but we don't talk about secrets because they are secrets.

FATHER LIVIO: Nobody knows the secrets of other visionaries?

MIRJANA: Let's not talk about that.

FATHER LIVIO: Didn't you talk about it among yourselves?

MIRJANA: We never talk about it. We spread the messages of Our Lady and what the Lord wants us to say to the people. But secrets are secrets and we visionaries among us do not talk about secrets.

FATHER LIVIO: So you don't know what Vicka's nine secrets are and Vicka doesn't know what your ten secrets are?

MIRJANA: Well let's not talk about this. This is something that is as if it were inside me and I know that this is not talked about.

FATHER LIVIO: Vicka is here. Can you Vicka confirm that you don't know Mirjana's ten secrets?

VICKA: I never needed to know what Our Lady said to Mirjana. I think he told me the same and that the secrets are the same.

FATHER LIVIO: Now let's see what can be said about the content of at least some secrets. It seems to me that something can be said of the third and seventh secrets. What can you tell us about the third secret?

MIRJANA: There will be a sign on the hill of apparitions, as a gift for all of us, because we see that Our Lady is present here as our mother.

FATHER LIVIO: What will this sign be like?

MIRJANA: Beautiful!

FATHER LIVIO: Listen Mirjana, I don't want to appear curious to you, much less induce you to say something you wouldn't want. However, it seems only right that the listeners of Radio Maria can know what Our Lady wants or allows us to know. As for the sign I ask you a specific question, however, if you want, also avoid answering. Will it be a sign that has a spiritual meaning?
MIRJANA: It will be a clearly visible sign, which could not have been done with human hands; a thing of the Lord that remains.

FATHER LIVIO: It is a thing of the Lord. It seems to me a statement full of meaning. But is it something that comes from the Lord, because only the Lord is omnipotent and can do it, or because the sign has a spiritual and transcendent meaning? If the sign is a rose, it says nothing to me. If, on the other hand, it is a cross, then it tells me a lot.

MIRJANA: I can't say anything more. I said all that could be said.

FATHER LIVIO: Anyway, you said many beautiful things.

MIRJANA: It will be a gift for all of us, which cannot be done with human hands and which is a thing of the Lord.

FATHER LIVIO: I asked Vicka if I will see this sign. She replied that I'm not that old. So do you know the date of the sign?

MIRJANA: Yes, I know the date.

FATHER LIVIO: So you know, exactly the date and what it consists of. Do you, Vicka, know the date?

VICKA: Yes, I too know the date

FATHER LIVIO: Now let's move on to the seventh secret. What is legitimate to know about the seventh secret?

MIRJANA: I prayed to Our Lady if it was possible for at least part of that secret to change. She replied that we had to pray. We prayed a lot and she said that a part has been changed, but that now it cannot be changed anymore, because it is the will of the Lord that must be realized.

FATHER LIVIO: So if the seventh secret has been mitigated, it means that it is a punishment.

MIRJANA: I can't say anything.

FATHER LIVIO: Can it not be further mitigated or even abolished?


FATHER LIVIO: You, Vicka, do you agree?

VICKA: Our Lady said that the seventh secret, as Mirjana has already said, has been partially canceled with our prayers. But, since Mirjana knows more about these things than I do, she now answers directly.

FATHER LIVIO: I insist on this point because someone says around that, if you pray, you can ...

MIRJANA: It is not possible that it will be completely abolished. A part has just been removed.

FATHER LIVIO: In short, it has been mitigated and now it will necessarily come true.

MIRJANA: This is what Our Lady said to me. I no longer ask these things because it is not possible. This is the will of the Lord and it must be done.

FATHER LIVIO: Are there any of these ten secrets that concern you personally or do they concern the whole world?

MIRJANA: I have no secrets that concern me personally.

FATHER LIVIO: So they concern ...

MIRJANA: The whole world.

FATHER LIVIO: The world or the Church?

MIRJANA: I don't want to be so precise, because secrets are secrets. I'm just saying that secrets are about the world.

FATHER LIVIO: I ask you this question by analogy with the third secret of Fatima. It certainly concerned the disasters of the war that would come, but also the persecution of the Church and finally the attack on the Holy Father.

MIRJANA: I don't want to be precise. When Our Lady wants it, I will say everything. Now shut up.

FATHER LIVIO: However, we must say that, despite the twenty years that we have behind us, the most has yet to come regarding Medjugorje. It seems that the Madonna prepared us for particularly demanding moments. In fact, the secrets concern the world in general.


FATHER LIVIO: However, we are sure that at least the third is positive.


FATHER LIVIO: Are all the others negative?

MIRJANA: I can't say anything. You said that. I shut up.

FATHER LIVIO: All right, I said it, not you.

MIRJANA: As Jesus says: "You said this". I say it too: "You said that." What I could say about the secrets, I said it.

FATHER LIVIO: Yes, but we must have clear and orderly ideas about those things that it is lawful to know. Have a little patience if I still ask you for some clarification. Do you know when it will happen?

MIRJANA: Yes, but I really don't want to talk about the secrets because it is Our Lady's will not to speak.

FATHER LIVIO: You don't say what you can't, but at least say something about what you can. You know about everyone when it happens. Do you also know where?

MIRIANA: Even where.

FATHER LIVIO: I understand: you know where and when.


FATHER LIVIO: These two words, where and when, are very important. Now let's see how the process by which the secrets are made known takes place. Will Our Lady tell you something in due time? Will the ten secrets be revealed in progressive order, that is, the first, second, third and so on?

MIRJANA: I can't say anything more.

FATHER LIVIO: I don't insist. What can you say about a rumor circulating that you wrote the ten secrets?

MIRJANA: Look, Father, if we want to continue the interview on important things, that is, on Our Lady and her messages, I will gladly answer, but I don't speak about secrets, because they are secrets. Everyone tried, from priests to communists, especially with Jakov who was only nine and a half years old, but they never managed to understand or know anything. We therefore leave this topic. If it happens, it will be the will of the Lord and this we have clarified. The important thing is that our soul is ready and prepared to find the Lord then we will not have to worry about the future or anything else.

FATHER LIVIO: So we have to stay on that information that you gave us at the beginning?

MIRJANA: Here, that's it

FATHER LIVIO: There is frankly enough to meditate for a long time.

MIRJANA: That's what Our Lady wants us to know.

FATHER LIVIO: As for me, I obey more than willingly. The last thing that I have not yet clarified and to which even Vicka has not been able to answer me, and therefore I must ask you, is this: the revelation of the ten secrets, through the mouth of Father Petar, will take place by making known one secret at a time, or all together at once? It is no small matter, because if it happens ten times in succession, we will risk a heart attack. Can't you tell us that either?

MIRJANA: I can't.

FATHER LIVIO: But do you know it?


FATHER LIVIO: Very well. Here, let's leave this topic and close the parenthesis. I believe that we know everything we need to know.

MIRJANA: What can we know!

FATHER LIVIO: As for me, I don't want to know more, even if it were granted to me. I prefer to wait confidently for God's surprises. I don't even want to know if I'll be alive. It is enough for me to know that God knows it. But now I would like to try to understand the theological and spiritual meaning of all this. If I place the ten secrets in the context of the messages of Our Lady, it seems to me that I can say that even if at first sight they can be a cause for concern, in reality they are a manifestation of divine mercy. In fact, in many messages Our Lady says she has come to build the new world of peace with us. So the final landing, that is the point of arrival of the whole plan of the Queen of Peace, is a gulf of light, that is, a better world, more fraternal and closer to God.

MIRJANA: Yes, yes. I am sure that in the end we will see this light. We will see the triumph of the heart of the Madonna and of Jesus.

Source: WHY THE LADY APPEARS IN MEDJUGORJE By Father Giulio Maria Scozzaro - Catholic Association of Jesus and Mary .; Interview with Vicka by Father Janko; Medjugorje the 90s of Sister Emmanuel; Maria Alba of the Third Millennium, Ares ed. … and others ….
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