The clock of the passion: very powerful devotion to Jesus Crucified

The clock of the Passion. Jesus endured for our love. The practice of this exercise is recommended for the glory of God, the salvation of souls and one's particular intentions.

Eternal Father I offer you all the reparations of Jesus during this hour and I join in his intentions for your greater glory, for my salvation and for that of the whole world.
(With ecclesiastical approval)

The clock of passion: Hours of the night

19 h. - Jesus washes his feet
20 h. - Jesus, at the Last Supper, institutes the Eucharist (Lk 22,19-20)
21 h. - Jesus prays in the garden of olives (Lk 22,39-42)
22 h. - Jesus enters agony and sweats blood (Lk 22,44:XNUMX)
23 h. - Jesus receives the kiss of Judas (Lk 22,47-48)
24 h. - Jesus is taken and brought to Anna (Jn 18,12-13)
01 h. - Jesus is presented to the High Priest (Jn 18,13-14)
02 h. - Jesus is slandered (Mt. 26,59-61)
03 h. - Jesus is attacked and slapped (Mt. 26,67)
04 h. - Jesus is denied by Peter (Jn 18,17.25-27)
05 h. - Jesus in the prison is slapped by one of the guards (Jn 18,22-23)
06 h. - Jesus is presented to the tribunal of Pilate (Jn 18,28-31)

Chaplet dictated by Jesus

Hours of the day

07 h. - Jesus is despised by Herod (Lk 23,11)
08 h. - Jesus is scourged (Mt 27,25-26)
09 h. - Jesus is crowned with thorns (Jn 19,2)
10 h. - Jesus is postponed to Barabbas and sentenced to death (Jn 18,39:XNUMX)
11 h. - Jesus is loaded with the Cross and embraces it for us (Jn 19,17:XNUMX)
12 h - Jesus is stripped of his clothes and crucified (Jn 19,23:XNUMX)
13 h. - Jesus forgives the good thief (Lk 23,42-43)
14 h - Jesus leaves us Mary as Mother (Jn 19,25-27)
15 h. - Jesus dies on the Cross (Lc 23,44-46)

16 h. - The Heart of Jesus is pierced by the spear (Jn 19,34:XNUMX)
17 h - Jesus is placed in the arms of Mary (Jn 19,38-40)
18 h - Jesus is buried (Mt 27,59-60)
Prayer to the holy wounds of Jesus.
To recite 1 Pater, Ave and Gloria, for every intention:
1 - for the Santa Piaga of the right hand;
2 - for the Santa Piaga of the left hand;
3 - for the Santa Piaga of the right foot;
4 - for the Santa Piaga of the left foot;
5 - for the Santa Piaga del Sacro Costato;
6 - for the Holy Father;
7 - for the outpouring of the Holy Spirit.

The watch of passion. To Jesus crucified.
Here I am, my beloved and good Jesus: prostrate in your presence I beg you with the most lively fervor, to print in my heart feelings of faith, hope, charity, pain of my sins and a proposition not to offend you anymore; while I with all love and with all compassion go considering your five wounds beginning with what the holy prophet David said of you, O my Jesus, "They have pierced my hands and my feet; they counted all my bones. "

Before the Crucifix

We adore you oh Christ
You, oh Christ, you suffered for us
leaving us an example because we too
we love like you.

Let's repeat together:
We adore you, oh Christ, and we bless you, because with your Holy Cross you have redeemed the world.

You, on the wood of the Cross, gave your life
to free us from sin and death.
You took on our sufferings
for us to be freed
and our every situation
was open to hope.

You, good shepherd, have gathered in one family,
all of us who were lost like a flock,
because we follow you as disciples.

You have overcome sin and death,
for your passion you have been glorified,
for your loyalty we have all been saved.