The devotion that prompted 70.000 men to head to the sanctuary of Aparecida

There is a place in Brazil that has attracted the attention of 70.000 men, all with very strong devotion. This place is the Shrine of Aparecida, located in the city of Aparecida, in the state of São Paulo. The Sanctuary is dedicated to the Virgin Mary under the title of Our Lady of Aparecida, patroness of Brazil.


Every year, million people, regardless of religion, visit this sacred place, but a meeting was organized from February 10 to 12 exclusively For the men.

With a rich programming of celebrations and recitations of the Rosary, this is the biggest pilgrimage of the year to the shrine. The prefect of the church, Father Antonio da Silva he expresses great joy and hope at the sight of the large crowd of men who have attended.


Why does the Aparecida shrine attract so many men

But what are the reasons that prompted so many men to travel to the Sanctuary of Aparecida? First, the figure of Our Lady of Aparecida it has great importance for the Brazilian people. She is there boss of the country and is regarded as a figure of love, hope and protection. Her story is steeped in Miracles and graces received from the faithful who go to the Shrine to pray and ask for intercessions.

Also, many men are looking for inspiration and spiritual strength in their daily lives. The event at the Sanctuary of Aparecida offers them the opportunity to pray together to thousands of other faithful and to share their faith with others. This sharing of devotion and purpose can give them the strength to face the challenges and responsibilities of life.

Another factor that has contributed to this large influx of men is the growing awareness of theimportance of man in the family and in society. This event demonstrated that men are also capable of manifesting strong devotion and being present in the religious sphere.