The meaning of INRI on the cross of Jesus

Today we want to talk about the writing INRI on the cross of Jesus, to better understand its meaning. This writing on the cross during the crucifixion of Jesus has no religious explanation, but has roots in Roman law.

written on the cross

When someone came sentenced to death for crucifixion, the judge ordered the engraving of a titulus, which indicated the motivation for the sentence, to be placed on the cross above the head of the condemned. In the case of Jesus, the titulus read INRI, acronym for 'Iesus Nazarenus Rex Iudaeorum', or 'Jesus Nazarene King of the Jews'.

La crucifixion it was a particularly cruel and humiliating sentence, reserved for slaves, prisoners of war and rebels, but also extended to free men during the Empire. Before the execution, the condemned came brutally whipped to reduce him to death, but not kill him to ensure that death occurred on the cross.


How the writing INRI is reported in the canonical gospels

in canonical gospels, the inscription on the cross is reported in slightly different ways. Marco describes her as “The King of the Jews”, Matteo as “This is Jesus, the king of the Jews” e Luca as “This is the king of the Jews.” John, however, mentions that the titulus was written in three languages: Hebrew, Latin and Greek, so that everyone could read it.

in Orthodox Churches, the inscription on the cross is INRI, from the Greek acronym for Jesus of Nazareth, King of the Jews. There is also one walnut wood board which is considered the original plate affixed to the cross of Jesus, preserved in the Basilica of Santa Croce in Gerusalemme.

Il name of Jesus has a profound meaning in the Hebrew language: Yeshu'a means God is salvation. The name is closely linked to mission and destiny of Jesus as savior of his people. When the angel announced to Joseph to name the baby Jesus, he explained that He would saved his people from sins. The name of Jesus is therefore a summary of his mission of salvation for all believers.