The miracle that led to the beatification of Karol Wojtyla

In mid-June 2005, in the Postulation of the cause of beatification of Karol Wojtyla received a letter from France which aroused great interest in the postulator Monsignor Slawomir Oder. The letter was sent by Mother Marie Thomas, the superior general of the Institute of the Little Sisters of Catholic Motherhood located in France.


In her message, the superior pointed out one possible miraculous recovery obtained from one of their nuns, Marie Simon Pierre, affected by a Parkinson evolutionary diagnosed in 2001, when he was just 40 years old.

Parkinson's symptoms began in 1998, when Sister Marie Simon Pierre had experienced difficulties in caring for the newborns in hospital. Over the years, her condition had worsened to the point that she had to resign from her position.

But one day around 21.30-21.45, Marie heard an inner voice urging her to take my pen and write. She obeyed and to her great surprise she realized that thereHis handwriting was clear. She fell asleep and woke up at 4.30 am, surprised that she had slept. He jumped out of bed and her body was no longer sore, there was no more stiffness and inside she no longer felt the same.

Marie simon pierre

The miracle that led to the beatification of Karol Wojtyla

Mother Marie Thomas' letter reported that the miracle had exactly occurred two months after the death of Pope Wojtyla and that the nuns had invoked his intercession through a novena of prayers. Since June 3, Sister Marie Simon Pierre had stopped all treatments and on June 7 she was visited by the neurologist Xavier Olmi, who had noted the total disappearance of all the signs of Parkinson's.

In March 2006, canonical proceedings were opened in the diocese of Aix-Arles, which closed exactly one year later. During this period, numerous witnesses were interviewed and all the necessary documentation collected. In October 2010, lat the Congregation's medical consultation of the causes of the saints examined the entire process and ruled in favor of the scientific inexplicability of the healing. In December of the same year, the theological consultants recognized the intercession of John Paul II. This allowed the date of the ceremony to be set beatification by Karol Wojtyla.