The pilgrimage of Brother Biagio Conte

Today we want to tell you the story of Biagio Conte who had a desire to disappear from the world. But instead of making herself invisible, she decided to undertake a long journey on foot to ask for solidarity and respect for immigrants and invoke true human rights for all. With his blue eyes and long beard, he almost looks like Jesus Christ.

Brother Biagio

Biagio began his journey onJuly 11th from Genoa. His path will be challenging: Switzerland, Germany, France, Luxembourg, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, and perhaps Romania and Hungary, passing through the headquarters of the European institutions.

Brother Biagio had a very personal motivation for doing what he did. As a child he was a emigrant to Switzerland with his family and wonders why only immigrants who bring money are welcomed, while the poor are rejected. The purpose of him is to sensitize people about the fact that we are all strangers in a strange land and that there is no point in building walls.

Biagio Conte, the pilgrim friar who fought for equality and acceptance

During his journey the missionary, who had pronounced the vows of poverty, chastity and obedience he had only brought with him a stick, two signs, the Gospel, toothpaste, underwear, sleeping bag and mat. He only eats in the evening because he considers it his own penitential path. Every day he walked twenty-five kilometers and offered a olive branch to those who hosted him as a sign of medium-high pace.


Had in mind for next trip to visit there House Bethany of the Beatitudes founded from brother Ettore Boschini in Seveso and also to pass in front of the European Parliament to reiterate the message of brotherhood and welcome for all human beings. Unfortunately, she was unable to make this wish come true. She reached the house of the Lord on 12 January 2023.

His life changed in 1990 when he decided to escape from Palermo and live like a hermit to reach Assisi and pray at the tomb of St. Francis. Since then, he has converted and decided to dedicate himself to marginalized and homeless people of Palermo. He founded the Mission of Hope and Charity, which hosts homeless people, drug addicts, migrants and anyone who needs help.

Biagio Conte considered himself a useless little servant, but his journey and his commitment attract the attention and interest of many people, Italian and foreign, who help him along the way. With the pilgrimage of him, him he hoped to make people understand that we are all brothers and sisters and that if we want to be an open society for the economy, we must also be open for the human beings, especially for those who are left behind or are poor.

His love message, welcome and respect will continue to spread and inspire anyone lucky enough to meet him along his path. Have a nice trip Biagio Conte.