John Paul II's prayer to Mary, Mother of Unity

The Polish pontiff asked Mary to teach us how to achieve unity, protecting peace and justice in this world.

In 1979, St. John Paul II visited the shrine of Our Lady of Czestochowa in Poland and made a solemn act of consecration to the Virgin Mary. It was a tumultuous period in the world, especially in Poland, which was still under communist occupation.

There was great tension in the world and St. John Paul II urged for peace and justice from all sides, doing what he could to bring people together under the guidance of Jesus Christ.


Towards the end of this prayer of consecration, the Polish pontiff turned to Mary, Mother of Unity and placed everything before her in his heart. Here is an exception to this prayer which is still suitable today and asks Mary to unite the world in choosing peace rather than war.

Through all the means of knowledge, mutual respect, love, shared collaboration in various fields, we can be able to gradually rediscover the divine plan for the unity in which we should all enter and involve, so that the one folds of Christ can recognize and live his unity on earth. Mother of unity, teach us constantly the ways that lead to unity.

Mother of the Good Council, always show us how we must serve the individual and humanity in each nation, how we must guide them along the ways of salvation. How we must protect justice and peace in a world continually threatened by various parts. How much I wish, at our meeting today, to entrust to you all the difficult problems of societies, systems and states, problems that cannot be solved with hatred, war and self-destruction, but only with peace, justice and respect for the rights of people and nations.

Mother of the Church, grant that the Church can enjoy freedom and peace in fulfilling her saving mission and that to this end she can mature with a new maturity of faith and interior unity. Help us overcome the opposition and the difficulties. Help us to rediscover all the simplicity and dignity of the Christian vocation.

How many problems, mom, shouldn't I introduce you by name in this meeting! I entrust them all to you, because you know them better and understand them.