The prayer that changes your day in a few seconds, Jesus always listens to us we trust in him

Today we want to give you one prayer, to be addressed to a much loved saint, who will help you start the day in the best way and give you serenity. We are talking about Saint Francis de Sales.

to pray

In a fast-paced world and a bit stressful, where you live chasing success, working and trying to make ends meet, you have less and less time to dedicate a moment to lifting your spirit and allowing yourself a moment of serenity, completely detaching your mind.

In the morning, we don't even find time to do our lunch sign of the cross and turn a thought to God. Nothing could be more wrong, because precisely the Sir he reminds us in his writings that without him, we can do nothing.


So, let's try to slow down and not use time as an excuse for not doing. There's a Holy much loved for his oratories and writings, St. Francis de Sales who will give us a hand today, giving us a prayer to recite in a very short time, to invoke the Lord's help, looking him straight in the eyes.

If you think that you can only pray by going to church, you are on the wrong track. Saint Francis also reminds us that Jesus is everywhere and always with us and that it is enough to always remind him that we love him or ask him for forgiveness for some wrong gesture, to make us listen.

Prayer of Saint Francis de Sales

Hate, Source of all goodPlease guide me and enlighten me in my day and in my choices. Donate to me your wisdom and your strength, to face every challenge and difficulty with confidence. Help me to love as you love, to to forgive as you forgive ea to serve as you serve. Saint Francis de Sales, intercede for me with the Lord, so that he may live according to your holy will. I pray all this to you, in the name of Jesus. Amen.