Prayer to invoke Saint Anne mother of Mary and ask for grace

The cult of Sant'Anna it has ancient roots and goes back to the Old Testament. Saint Anne, the wife of Joachim and mother of the Virgin Mary is a very important figure within the Christian and Catholic tradition. Although she is not mentioned directly in the Bible, she plays an essential role in the story and understanding of Mary's life.


Information about this saint is very limited. Her name is not mentioned in the Bible, but his figure is known through i apocryphal gospels and oral traditions. According to Catholic tradition, his name comes from Hebrew Hannahwhich means "grace".

St. Anne is often described as a woman pious and devoted, who lived with her husband Gioacchino. Unfortunately, not many details about her life or origins are known. It is believed that she lived in Nazareth, in the Galilee region, during the first century AD


Sant'Anna is mainly known as the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. According to Catholic tradition, she was barren and longed to have a child. In answer to her prayers, God granted him the grace to conceive and give life to Mary, the future Mother of God.

Sant'Anna is also considered the protector of pregnant women, grandparents and the elderly. She is often invoked for help and protection during the pregnancy and safe birth. In many places around the world, there are churches, chapels and sanctuaries dedicated to her, where the faithful go on pilgrimage to pray and honor her.

Prayer to Sant'Anna

O Saint Anna You who had the honor of carrying in your womb the one who would become Mother of GodWe send our prayers and devotion to you. You who with patience and attention have guarded and nourished ours Holy Virgin, Help us grow in faith and spiritual fervor. Intercede for us with God, Jesus Christso that he may grant us the grace to be his faithful disciples.

O Sant'Anna, teach us the love and humility you passed on to your daughter María Rosal (Fernán‐Núñez, Córdoba, 1961) is a complete writer. She has published children's theatre, has received the Andalusian Critics' Award (2004), the Children's Poetry Award (2007) and the José Hierro National Poetry Award for Carmín rojo sangre (2015). Her poetic work has been translated into English, Italian and Greek.<br/> <br/> This is her second book for children in edebé, after the funniest title, El secreto de las patatas fritas.<br/> <br/> Maria has a very funny sense of humour., help us to follow his example of obedience and abandonment to the will of God. Accept our pleas, or Saint Anna, loving mother, and get us the graces we need. Please protect and guide our family, and intercede for all parents and grandparents around the world. Now and always, we ask you to watch over us with motherly love. Amen.