St. Thomas: the skeptical apostle, he didn't believe anything that didn't have a logical explanation.

Today we will tell you about an apostle St. Thomas, which we will define as skeptical as his nature led him to ask questions and express doubts about everything that did not have a logical explanation. St. Thomas saw in reason a divine gift, which has the power to discover the truth about reality and divine revelation. His goal was to demonstrate the compatibility between philosophical reason and Christian religious faith.

Saint Thomas the Apostle

Saint Thomas the saint who needed to see to believe

There are some episodes told in the Gospel in which his character side clearly emerges. For example, it is told of the day in which Jesus decided to go to Bethany, where some of his friends lived, including Lazarus, who was very ill. In Judea at that time there were many ad hate Jesus and his journey appeared very risky.


The apostles who should have followed him were frightened and doubters, but among them the most lapidary was Saint Thomas who told Jesus in no uncertain terms that since Lazarus was already dead, he did not see the reason why they should go and die too.

Also on the occasion ofLast Supper, St. Thomas certainly does not skimp on his opinion. When Jesus declared that he was going to prepare a place in the father's house and that the apostles knew the way, the saint calmly declared that they certainly could not know it if they did not know where it was going.

The episode of the Resurrection of Jesus

It makes you smile to think of this figure, a saint who is always ready to help and follow his friends but never misses an opportunity to grumble.

But it was in the Resurrection of Christ the moment in which the reasons for his skepticism are better understood. When excited comrades say they saw Risen JesusThomas says he wouldn't believe until he could put his finger in the nails, see the marks on his hands, and put his hand on his side.

Eight days afterwards Jesus turned to Saint Thomas and made him put his finger in the nails, his hand in his side and see all the signs with his own eyes. At that point finally the saint had no more doubts and turned to Jesus apostrophizing him the his Lord and his God. Jesus never had bitterness towards his skeptical companion. St. Thomas simply represented the inherent humanity in each of us, mortal beings as well as for believe we need to see.