The week of charity: a true Christian devotion


SUNDAY Always aim at the image of Jesus in your neighbor; accidents are human, but reality is divine.

MONDAY Treat others as you would treat Jesus; your charity must be continuous like the breath that gives oxygen to the lungs and without which life dies.

TUESDAY In your relationship with your neighbor, transform everything into charity and kindness, trying to do to others what you would like to be done to you. Be broad, gentle, understanding.

WEDNESDAY If you are offended, let a ray of warm and serene goodness spring from the wound of your heart: shut up, forgive, forget.

THURSDAY Remember that the measure that you will use with others will be used by God with you; do not condemn and you will not be condemned.

FRIDAY Never an unfavorable judgment, a murmur, a criticism; your charity must be like the pupil of the eye, which does not admit the slightest dust.

SATURDAY Wrap your neighbor in the warm cloak of goodwill. Your charity must rest on three words: WITH ALL, ALWAYS, AT ANY COST.

Every morning he makes a covenant with Jesus: promise him to keep the flower of charity intact and ask him to open the doors of heaven to you in death. Blessed are you, if you are faithful!

Offer of the day to Mary: O Mary, Mother of the Incarnate Word and our most sweet Mother, we are here at your feet as a new day dawns, another great gift from the Lord. We place our whole being in your hands and heart. We will be yours in the will, in the heart, in the body. You form in us with maternal goodness on this day a new life, the life of your Jesus. Prevent and accompany, O Queen of Heaven, even our smallest actions with your maternal inspiration so that everything is pure and accepted at the moment of the Sacrifice. holy and immaculate. Make us holy or good Mother; holy as Jesus commanded us, as your heart asks and ardently desires. So be it.

Offering of the day to the Heart of Jesus Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you through the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Mother of the Church, in union with the Eucharistic Sacrifice, the prayers and actions, the joys and sufferings of this day, in reparation. of sins, for the salvation of all men, in the grace of the Holy Spirit, to the glory of God the Father. Amen.

Act of faith: My God, because you are infallible truth, I believe everything you have revealed and the holy Church proposes us to believe. I believe in you, the only true God, in three equal and distinct Persons, Father and Son and Holy Spirit. I believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, incarnate, died and risen for us, who will give each one, according to merit, the reward or eternal punishment. According to this faith I always want to live. Lord, increase my faith.

Act of hope: My God, I hope from your goodness, for your promises and for the merits of Jesus Christ, our Savior, eternal life and the graces necessary to merit it with the good works, which I must and want to do. Lord, may I enjoy you forever.

Act of charity: My God, I love you with all my heart above all things, because you are infinite good and our eternal happiness; and for your sake I love my neighbor as myself and forgive the offenses received. Lord, may I love you more and more.

Other prayers: I bless you, Father, at the beginning of this new day. Accept my praise and my thanks for the gift of life and faith. With the power of your Spirit guide my projects and my actions: make them be according to your will. Deliver me from discouragement in the face of difficulties and from all evil. Make me attentive to the needs of others. Protect my family with your love. So be it.

Prayer of abandonment to the Father: My Father, I abandon myself to you: make me what you will like. Whatever you do, I thank you. I am ready for anything, I accept everything, as long as your will is done in me, in all your creatures. I do not want anything else, oh my God. I place my soul in your hands. I give it to you, oh my God, with all the love of my heart, because I love you and it is a need for love for me to give myself, to put myself back without measure in your hands, with infinite trust, because you are my Father. .