The woman says that Sunday is the worst day of the week and here's why

Today we want to talk to you about a very current topic, the role of womens in society and at home and the burden of responsibility and stress to which she is continually subjected. This physical and emotional load that very often a woman is forced to carry with her in silence and without the help and understanding of her partner or those who live close to her.


Il role of women in modern society and in the family can be decidedly stressful. Women often have to reconcile multiple responsibilities, such as work, child care, home maintenance and sometimes family support family enlarged. This can lead to significantly high workload and mental pressure.

In the family, women are often asked to carry out the traditional role of mother and wife, being responsible for the care of children, the management of family budget and home care. However, these responsibilities can be a lot expensive and it can be difficult for women to find time for themselves and pursue their personal interests.


It is important that women have the family support, partner and community and that society recognizes the value and importance of their work, be it carried out in the family or professional context and creates favorable conditions to allow them to live completely and without excessive pressure.

The role of women and their enormous burden of responsibility

We want to give you an example of what has been said by showing you the letter from a man which fully describes what we said.

The reader asks a question about the day worse and better of the week to your family for a survey your child is required to answer for school. The first to answer is him, which proposes Monday as the worst day as we start working again. Then it's the children's turn to indicate other days of the week. Finally the wife who hates Sunday because he has to fulfill duties and commitments.

Sunday, which should be a day of relaxation and a break to enjoy a well-deserved rest, turns into the worst day for women. As you can imagine from these few lines, after an intense week of work and sacrifices, Even on Sundays, women are forced to use their time for others.