Three reasons for devotion to the Sacred Heart

This is the translation of the cry of Jesus which is addressed to the crowds of the whole world: "Oh, you who are panting under the weight of fatigue, come to me and I will restore you".
As his voice reaches all consciences, so his graces reach everywhere a human creature breathes and renews itself with each beat of his heart. Jesus invites everyone to speak in a unique way. The Sacred Heart showed His pierced Heart so that men could draw life from it and draw it more abundantly than they have drawn from it in the past. Jesus promises grace of a particular efficacy to fulfill the obligations of his own state to those who seriously will practice such amiable devotion.
From His Heart Jesus brings forth a stream of internal help: good inspirations, solutions to problems that flash suddenly, inner pushes, unusual vigor in the practice of good.
From that Divine Heart flows a second river, that of external aid: useful friendships, providential affairs, escaped dangers, regained health.
Parents, masters, workers, domestic workers, teachers, doctors, lawyers, traders, industrialists, all in devotion to the Sacred Heart will find defense from the tragic daily life and refreshment in their tiredness. And to each one in particular the Sacred Heart wishes to lavish countless graces in every state, in every event, at any time.
Just as the heart of man pours out the individual cells of the organism with each beat, so the heart of Jesus with each grace pours down all its faithful with its grace.

it is absolutely necessary that Jesus enters the family with his Heart. He wants to enter and presents himself with the most beautiful and most attractive gift: peace. He will put it where it is not there; will keep it where it is.
In fact, Jesus anticipating his hour worked the first miracle precisely in order not to disturb the peace of the blossoming family next to His Heart; and he did it by providing the wine which of love is only the symbol. If that Heart was so sensitive to the symbol, what will it not be willing to do for the love that is its reality? When the two living lamps illuminate the house and the hearts are drunk with love, a stream of peace spreads in the family. And peace is the peace of Jesus, not the peace of the world, that is, that which the "world mocks and cannot kidnap". A peace that having the Heart of Jesus as its source will never fail and therefore can also coexist with poverty and pain.
Peace occurs when everything is in place. The body subject to the soul, the passions to the will, the will to God ..., the wife in a Christian way to the husband, the children to the parents and the parents to God ... when in my heart I give to others and other things the place established by God…
"The Lord commanded the winds and the sea and became very calm" (Mt 8,16:XNUMX).
Not so he will give it to us. it is a gift, but it requires our cooperation. it is peace, but it is the fruit of struggle with self-love, of small victories, of endurance, of love. Jesus promises SPECIAL AID which will facilitate this struggle in us and will fill our heart and our home with blessings and therefore with peace. «Let the Heart of Jesus reign in your focal points as an absolute Lord. He will wipe away your tears, sanctify your joys, fertilize your work, well-tell your life, will be near you in the hour of the last breath "(PIUS XII).
To our sad souls, Jesus presents his Heart and offers his consolation.
"I will close your scar and heal you from your wounds" (Jer. 30,17).
"I will change their pains in joy, I will console them and in their sorrows I will fill them with joy" (Jer. 31,13). "As a mother caresses her child so I too will console you" (Is. 66,13). Thus Jesus manifests to us the Heart of his Father and our Father, from whose Spirit he was consecrated and sent to evangelize the poor, to heal sick hearts, to announce liberation to prisoners, to give sight to the blind, open to all new times of redemption and life (cf. Lk. 4,18,19).
Jesus, therefore, will keep his promise, adapting to individual souls. With some weaker souls, freeing them completely; with others, increasing the strength of resistance; with others, revealing to them the secret treasures of his love ... to all, SVE-LANDO HIS HEART, that is showing the thorns, the cross, the plague - signs of passion, suffering and sacrifice - in a flaming heart , will communicate the secret that gives strength, peace and joy even in pain: Love.
And this in varying degrees, according to his designs and the correspondence of souls ... With some to the point of inebriating them with love so that they want nothing more than to suffer, to be hosts sacrificed with Him in expiation for the sins of the world.
«On every occasion, turn to the adorable Heart of Jesus, placing your bitterness and distress there. Make it your default and everything will be mitigated. He will console you in every affliction and will be the strength of your weakness. There you will find a rhyme-god for your evils, a refuge in all your needs "(S. Margherita Maria)